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Favorite song so far XD

"WE'RE GOING ON A TRIP IN OUR FAVORITE ROCKET SHIP, ZOOMING THROUGH THE SKY, LITTLE EINSTEINS!" I heard my sister's loud voice outside my room door. I groaned and covered my ears with my pillow. 

This was my mom's way of waking me up, by using my annoying little sister to sing me a song. 

"SHUT UP BEFORE I MURDER EVERYONE IN THIS HOUSE!" I yelled back at her but that didn't seem to stop her.

And people ask me why I'm not a morning person... 


"SHUT UP!" I was getting more pissed every second. How could they ruin my beauty sleep like this?


"THAT'S IT! IM COMING FOR YOU!" I jumped out of my bed and opened the door, I spotted my little sister running away from me as if her life depended on it. 

"I will get you and once I do, I'll feed you to the crocodiles!" I yelled after her. 

Ever since we went to the zoo, my sister freaked out when she saw a crocodile and she even said that it haunted her in her sleep, so I use it to threaten her and it always works. 

People should know not to mess with me in the mornings. I ran after her downstairs and chased her around the house.

"Mommy help me!" She screamed and my mom popped out of the kitchen and grabbed Ally in her hands. 

"Glad you are awake Vanessa! You have to start packing for the trip, we are leaving in two hours," She said and my eyes widened. 

"It's today?" I asked. 

"Yep," I nodded and walked back up to my room. We are going on this camping trip for fifteen days! Fifteen days! How can someone camp for so long?

What if we die? Starve perhaps? Or what if our car breaks down? 

No warm shower, no wifi, no good food. But hey! On the other hand, there are insects, snakes, and crappy smells. Oh yeah and not to mention no bed! I'm so excited! 

Note the sarcasm...

I decided to take a long shower since I will miss it dearly. I got out of the shower and looked in the mirror, not gonna lie, I definitely changed a lot since last year. 

Maybe it was because I finally hit puberty...

My blond hair is almost up to my belly bottom and my eyes are dark blue. I'm the only one in the family who was born with blond hair. My dad has dark brown hair and my mom and sister both have black hair. 

I sighed and blow dried my hair. When I was done, I started packing and one question remained in my head. 

How will I survive without wifi? 

I don't think I'll survive. I might just die on the second day if there isn't anything to entertain me.

When I was done, I gave my bed one last hug and walked downstairs with my bags. 

"I'm ready!" I yelled. I found my dad bringing the luggage in the car. 

"Need help?" I asked. 

"Sure, just grab the small bags," He said and pointed at the small bags that sat in the corner. 

I'm strong enough to grab the big ones! I thought. 

I walked and grabbed a big bag and tried my hardest to lift it up but obviously, I miserably failed. How heavy is this thing?

I heard my dad laugh and I turned to face him. 

"That's why I told you to grab the smaller ones," He said and I walked to grab the smaller bags. I lifted one up and almost died. It was so heavy but not as heavy as the other one which I wasn't even able to move.

"You need to work out," He said and I couldn't help but burst out laughing. 

Me? Workout? Those two words don't even fit in the same sentence. I stopped laughing as soon as I saw my dad's expression. 

"Oh, you're serious?" I asked. Last time I tried to work out with my friends because they forced me, I almost broke my leg on those running machines. 

I think I'm more of a couch potato type of person. He shook his head and tried to hide the smile that was creeping out on his face. 

Me, being the smartest person in the family, I started pushing the bag causing it to slide towards the exit. 

"Why lift it up when you can slide it!" I said and smiled at my genius idea. My dad just rolled his eyes and went to grab more bags as my mom walked in and started helping us. 

"I can't wait for you to meet our friends," She said to me and I turned around looking at her confused. 

"What friends?" 

"The friends that are going to camp with us,"

"How am I not aware of this?" I asked. 

"Because you are always on your phone during dinner time," My mom said and I shook my head. 

"That one time. One time! And it was a fashion emergency," 

"What about yesterday?" she asked. 

"Hmm..." I tried to think of an excuse but my mind was blank. 

When we were done with the bags, we drove to their friend's house and let me tell you this damn was I impressed. Their house was huge and much bigger than ours. It was like a maze, I'll definitely get lost in there. 

My mom and my dad got out of the car to greet their friends and I looked at Ally and gave her a death glare. 

I still haven't forgotten about this morning. 

When she looked at me, and immediately ran out of the car and I laughed to myself. I just have that vibe on people and they know not to mess with me. 

I returned my attention to my phone. I was talking stalking people on Instagram. It's my new hobby when I'm bored. The door next to me opened and I looked up, confused as to why Ally returned so fast. 

But it wasn't Ally. Somone's back was facing me. 

And me being a paranoid teenager, I did the first thing that came into my mind. 

I screamed. 

I screamed so loud that the glass of the car shattered. 

Just kidding. 

But thankfully it wasn't an intruder. 

It was just an ugly face of Kade Parker. 

- - -

Haaaiii! Hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did writing it. 

Please leave a vote, and comment if you liked it. 

Thank you all!

xx writer

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