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Vanessa Johnson ^^^

We finished building our tent which took so much faster since we had four hands helping instead of just two. I got inside and started putting the mats, blankets, and pillows.

I climbed in the tent which wasn't that big but it looked so cute. Kade was about to get in when I closed the 'gate'.

"Hey, open up!" He said.

"Nope, we must have rules first!" I said and he rolled his eyes.

"You do not come in here with shoes or socks on, I don't want this tent to smell like something died here, dirty clothes go in the big tent and no funny business," I said.

"Fine," He said.

"Pinky promise?" I asked and opened the tent to pinky promise him.

"What am I? Ten?" He asked.

"No, you are five," I said. He pinky promised me and climbed in. I lied down on my side and smiled. I like it, it's comfortable but I would love it if Kade just slept with the bears.

"So since we are going to be spending a lot of time together, we might get to know each other more," I looked at Kade who was wiggling his eyebrows and I turned my back on him.

"In your dreams Parker,"

"In my dreams, we do more dirty stuff, Johnson," I rolled my eyes as he used my last name. I sat up and looked through my bag which was on the side of the tent. I was looking for my mp3 when Kade decided to take off his shirt.

I could see his abs from the corner of my eyes.

"Parker, put on a shirt, this isn't a strip club," I said.

But secretly you want him shirtless.

'No ew'

I know you do...

'Shut up'

"Babe, it's too hot here," He said.

"Don't babe me," I said.

"I was feeling a little off today, but you definitely turned me on," He said and I raised my eyebrows.

"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" He asked.

"I wasn't in heaven in the first place," I said and turned to look at him.

"Oh, I got one!" I said and clapped my hands and fake smiled.

"Did it hurt?" I asked and he smirked.

"Did what hurt babe?"

"When I knocked your buck ass face for being lame," I said and his smirk dropped. He places his hand on his heart and frowned in a very adorable way.

"Babe you hurt me," He said.

"Aww, boohoo!" I said and got out of the tent. I went to help Mrs. Parker with the main tent.

"Hey Mrs. Parker," I greeted her.

"Oh honey please call me Marie," She said and I smiled.

"Do you need any help?" I asked.

"Oh no I'm fine honey, go have fun and explore!" She said and I walked back to the tent. I peeked inside and looked at Kade who was now wearing a shirt.

"Hey Parker, wanna go explore?" I asked.

"Oh planning to seduce me so quickly?" He asked and I roll my eyes.

"No, just in case if we bump into a bear, I'll push you towards it and make a run for it," I said and he chuckled, stood up and followed me.

"So where are we going?" He asked.

"We are exploring," I said.

"Alright Dora," He said and I ignored his comment. I

"You're stuck with me for fifteen days," He said.

"Is this how hell feels like?" I asked out loud.

"It's heaven babe," He said and winked at me. I rolled my eyes and pushed him lightly to the side causing him to trip and fall. I burst out laughing and immediately stopped as soon as I saw something crawling up his head.

"Kade, don't move," I said slowly as I stared at the eyes of the giant spider.

"Vanessa you're freaking me out," If there wasn't a big spider on his head then I would have burst out laughing at his expression. He looks like he was about to piss his pants.

"Kade, promise you won't scream when I tell you this," I said slowly backing away.

"Just say it, Vanessa!" He said giving me that look of fear.

"There is a big spider on your head," I said and looked at it with fear.

"What? A spider?" He said and started panicking.

"You know an insect with eight hairy legs and big eyes,"

"Goddamit Vanessa! I'm not an idiot, I know how a spider looks like! Please get it off m- oh my god! I feel it moving!" He screamed. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Vanessa! Please! I'm begging you! Get it off me!" He said with a serious expression. I reached out for his shoe, ready to hit the spider with it.


I started screaming and closed my eyes because I accidentally touched it with my hand while hitting it.

Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack.

"Vanessa! OW! Stop! OW!" I realized I was hitting Kade's head now instead of the spider.

"Sorry," I said and looked around for the spider.

"No thanks?" I asked.

"Thank you, babe for saving my life!" He said sarcastically and I rolled my eyes.

I'm getting tired of rolling my eyes...

Does it count as exercise?

"I think we are done exploring for the day," I said and started walking back to the tents.

"Can I have my shoe back?" He asked.

"Sorry," I said and I threw it to him without even looking.





I'm so evil sometimes.

- - -

Thank you to all who read my books! Please vote and follow for more!

For some reason, every time I update this book my heart starts beating so fast 😂

Q: Favorite actor/actress?
A: Dylan O'Brien & Emma Watson

So I'm planning on temporary dying my hair today or tomorrow XD I've never dyed my hair so I'm excited. Bye!

xx writer

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