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"Babe don't scream like that here! Take it to my bedroom instead," He turned around and smirked at me so I slapped him on his arm. 

"What are you doing here?" I yelled. 

Kade Parker is the king of my high school. People treat him like royalty mostly because of his good looks, his surprisingly good grades and the girls that run around him twenty-four seven. He's the golden boy but he is a bit of player, with his chocolate eyes and dark blond hair, he can get any girl by just looking at them. 

Some girls even throw themselves at him, I mean what can I say, that's what happens around here when you are blessed by Jesus. 

There is only one word that describes him, hot... I mean his abs are hot. 

Yes, I saw his abs but that was an accident, I walked in the boys changing rooms because there was an accident in the gym and we needed the coach. Then I saw those damn abs. 

He was shirtless and I could see every muscle. 

And one word was stuck in my head. 


But over the years he's gotten hotter and hotter and hott-

I should really stop though. 

He's known as 'hot stuff' or 'Playboy' around my school. But I know him as a jackass who cut my hair as a prank in seventh grade. 

"Done checking me out?" He asked interrupting me from my thoughts of how I can murder him and get away with it. 

"I wasn't checking you out, there is nothing to 'check out' anyway," I said causing him to put his hand on my thigh. 

"What do you mean babe?" 

"First of all, don't babe me, and second of all, get your dirty STD containing hands off my leg!" I said and slapped his hand off. 

"I know you want me babe," He said. 

"To kill you, yes!" I said and got back to my phone. I groaned when the battery died on me. 

Great, my battery died, I'm sitting with the biggest idiot in the world and I'm officially bored out of my mind. 

"I guess we can entertain ourselves," He said and winked at me. I rolled my eyes and made myself comfortable by kneeling in against the window, ready to take my nap. 

After a couple of minutes of moving around, I finally fell asleep. 

* * *

Something was touching my hair, or maybe it was more like playing around with it. 

"Wake up," The voice said. 

"Five more minutes," I said and turned to lay on my back. 

"Babe, you can sleep on me in the tents if you like," The voice said again, but this time there was something familiar about it. I forced my eyes open and screamed as soon as I saw a face so close to me. I sat up and hit myself against its face and fell back in the same position I was. 

"Oh my god!" He groaned. I looked up as my eyes adjusted to the light. 

"Parker what are you doing?" I asked looking up at him. 

"Waking you up, comfortable?" He asked and I got confused for a second then I looked at our position. I immediately got up with a blush creeping out. 

I mean it's not every day you sleep on a boy's lap...

"Sorry," I said and got out of the car. 

We bought our things to the camping spot which was deeper in the forest. The forest was beautiful, not gonna lie and I was surprised that I still didn't bump into any bugs or spiders. There was a grass area right in the middle and so we started settling in. 

"Alright, so we have five tents and one of them is for food and camping stuff. There are eight of us which means two in each tent," Mrs. Parker said. Everyone grabbed a tent and walked to where they wanted to place it. 

Mom and dad were going together. 

Mrs. and Mr. Parker were also going together. 

My sister and her new bestie were also together. 

And that left me and Parker?!?! 

"Wait wait wait, I have to share a tent with him?" I asked and my parents nodded in response. 

"Why don't we share with our siblings?" I suggested. 

"I don't want to share a tent with a boy!" Parker's sister, aka my sister's new bestie, said. 

"Well, neither do I!" I said and turned to face Parker who had been laughing behind my back. 

"Sleep with me or with the bears outside," He said and smirked at me. 

Ugh! This boy smirks too much! 

I wish I can just slap his face but that would be animal abuse. 

"Fine, sleeping with a jerk it is!" I said and grabbed the tent. 

After ten minutes of trying to put the tent together all by myself, I turned to face Kade who was watching me struggle. 

"Parker, get up here and help me before I slap your smirk off your face," I wouldn't consider that thing an animal...

"Say please," He said. 

"Over my dead body!" I said. 

"Do the work by yourself then," He said and chuckled at my expression. 

"Parkeeerrr!" I yelled as my arms were about to give up and let go the heavy metal stick. 

"Babe, save the moans for night time," He said and winked at me so I charged at him full speed. As I let go of the tent it all fell apart throwing my hard work away and so I tackled him to the ground and started hitting him on the arm. 

"Maybe this will turn your brain on!" I said and hit his head. 

"Babe, are you also that violent in bed?" He asked and I hit him again. I was like sitting on top of him. I saw Mrs. Parker staring at us with amusement in her eyes. 

"Sorry," I quickly said and got off Kade while patting his head like a good boy he is!

"It's fine, continue," She said and walked away laughing. 

"Help me build our tent otherwise you'll be the one sleeping with the bears," I said and walked back to the tent.

- - -

What do you guys think?

Yay or Nay? 

Thank you all for reading! Have a great day! 

xx writer

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