Larry shippers
Ahh yes Larry shippers those wonderful people who believe that Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson are dating.
Ways to spot a Larry shipper
-They will hate Eleanor Calder.
-They will argue with you if you have a different opinion on anything with you.
-They usually send hate to people.
-They're directioners ovi
Now I'll be the first to admit that I'm an Elounor shipper. I love Eleanor she's my favorite girlfriend.
My problem with Larry shippers is that they try to force their opinions down other people's throats. If you have noticed, Louis and Harry aren't as close as they use to be. That's because everyone is calling them gay! Their trying to prevent it! Louis loves Harry yes, but as a best friend and a brother. Not romantically.
Louis also loves Eleanor, as a best friend, girlfriend, and hopefully one day a wife. But even then all of this Larry non since won't stop. No it'll get worse, Eleanor will get more hate then she already does and she doesn't deserve that. What did she ever do? Love Louis? Last time I checked that wasn't a crime. She's not a murderer, a robber, a criminal, she's not a bad person why hate her?
There's a difference in having an opinion and being a jerk. It's ok to have an opinion but it's not ok to force it on other people and that's why I don't like Larry shippers. Don't get me wrong not all Larry shippers are like that. No some are very nice and keep to them selfs and respect Elounor. That's how all Larry shippers should be.
Ok so ya that's today's rant tomorrow's rant since I kinda transitioned a little into it will be on options! ok guys bye!
Peace out Girl Scout ✌️
Mindless Rants
RandomThese are my rants if you don't agree then don't read I don't really care. I can be rude when stating my opinion so if you are easily offended then you probably shouldn't read. This book also includes songs, facts, and everything in between.