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I haven't done an actual rant in awhile. It feels like I haven't real talked with you guys for awhile. We've lost touch! Let's reconnect, I'm Amber what's your name? Great name! now let's move back to the real resign why you came here, the rant!

So today's rant if you didn't know by the title of this 'chapter' is diving. So I'm going to start driving next year. I was talking to my sister about it, and she said she'd be scared to be in the car with me! That's where I got the idea for this rant.

So there's a few different types of drivers.

You have the slow driver. The slow driver goes about 20 miles under the speed limit. Now if I'm in the car I obviously need to be somewhere I don't have time for you to go 20 miles per hour in a 40 zone. I understand you don't know where the McDonalds is but heck you don't have to go 20 under the limit! There's a McDonalds on every street corner if you miss the first one just drive, I don't know another mile or two and look out the window. Oh look there's another one! Say we're out in the country, you know on a road with only one lane going in each direction. If you're behind a slow driver chances are you can't get around them because either there's another car on the other side of the road or you can't pass them. Thank you slow drivers for making me late to where ever I'm going.

Next of course you have the speeders. Unlike the slow drivers, the speeders will go 20 over the speed limit. Now I understand that you have to be somewhere, trust me so do I. But you don't need to go 20 over. Now I understand 2 or 3 heck maybe even 10 but if we're in a 25 zone and you're going 45! There's likely a resign that the speed limit is 25. There's probable a school or kids around or something. You're going to kill someone or yourself going that fast dude. For real slow it down.

Then you just have the careless drivers. Careless drivers are the people who weave in and out of traffic, the ones who talk on their phone, does their makeup, and anyone else that does stuff like that. Then there's the people who do all of this with their kid/baby on board! What if you get into an accident and something happens to that kid or you? Exactly you didn't think about that now did you.

So this is the end of the rant so basically if you do any of this please stop there's a pretty good chance you or someone else could get hurt. Okay so that's all guys. I'm glad we got to real talk again. Byeee.

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