Part II

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Okay, so I have no idea if people actually read my story, but I've the second part in my head for a while now so i thought I would just add it.

Vote, comment, and do whatever!



Boy's POV.

I see a girl on the cliff, she's quite pretty, with her flowing red hair and her pale freckled skin. I think I recognize her from school. She's that girl who always gets bullied, and no one does anything about it. I wonder what she's doing here, on Lover's Cliff, the most scenic place in town. She's not with anyone else, as far as I can tell. I really wonder what she's doing.

Then the girl with no name locks eyes with me, and I feel myself entranced by her. I can't look away, and now I'm full on staring at her... And then...

She jumps, just like that, she jumps. Our eyes still locked together. She jumps. And the weirdest thing is that she's smiling, and laughing! I gasp invilontarily. And again she laughs. The girl just laughs while jumping to her death... Wow is all I can say.

Then I hear a crack, a pretty big one if you ask me. And i finally snap out of my daze. I scream for her, ask her I she's okay, If she's even still alive. But even I know that it's hopeless, the girl's dead. Stone dead. Cold dead.

I don't even call 9-1-1 right away. I just stare at her. Her body limp on the rocks, a pool of blood surrounding her. But, she has a smile on her lips, and just then I actually realize that she wanted this, she wanted to die. She wanted to get out of this world, and go into another, a happier world. I really hope she got her wish.i really hope she did not do this for nothing.

It's then that I call the emergencies. When they arrive they confirm what I already know, she dead. She's gone forever. She's not part of this world anymore.

I wish I could have stopped her. Reasoned with her. Helped her, before the only resort she found was killing herself. I wish.... I wish I wasn't so caught in my own little world, with my own little problems. I wish...


A week later.

I see the girl in a coffin. It's her funeral today, it's hosted in the school. So everyone can pay there respects. Like anyone would. But try saying that to the school board. Try saying that to the administration. Try saying that to the school principal.

The girl still has a smile on her lips, the same one she had on when she jumped I bet. I learned today that her name was Beatrice. I like that name, it's pretty. It's old school, no one has that name anymore. It was all her own. Today, at her funeral, her skin is even paler than it was before, her hair has lost its shine. But she still has that smile.

Always that smile, that smile of pure joy.


Ten years later.

Now I'm married, I have kids. I'm happy. On the outside. I never told anyone what I saw that day, never even said I was there when she killed herself. That event changed me, in so many ways, you can't even imagine. I'm not the same person I was. I'm better. I'm nicer. I'm changed. Well, I hope. I really hope I'm no longer like that kid who never cared about anything else than girls and himself.

Even now, I contemplate on that day. That dreary, dreary day. I think about the reasons she killed herself, what pushed her to jump, why she did it. She haunts my everyone second thoughts, for better or for worse.

She's that voice that tells me that I could've stopped her, so now I have to helped others like her. She that voice who helps me get through the day.she that voice who tells me never to stop.

She the one who helped me become who I am.


Okay that's it the story is done! Hope you people out there who stumble upon this enjoyed it!

And remember that there's always someone who can help you out there!

So, peace love and the ugly duckling that could!

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