First Words (Jeffmads)

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I'm no photographer, but I can picture us together.

Those were the words written on James Madison's wrist. Those were the first words his soulmate would say to him. 'A damn pickup line is what my soulmate is going to say to me.'

That was all James thought about as he sipped his coffee.

He got up and ordered another cup. Just as he turned to leave, he ran face first into someone's chest. In the time span of a few seconds, James managed to spill coffee on himself and the stranger. He also managed finally get a good look at who he bumped into.

James was met with the sight of a tall man with light brown skin and a very lean build. He looked up to apologize but stopped short as he saw beautiful brown eyes and a dark fluff of hair. They gazed at each other before the taller of the two cracked a grin.

"I'm no photographer, but I can picture us together," the fuzzy haired guy said. James gasped and whispered "What the fuck?"

They both widened their eyes at what the other had said.
"W-who are you? A-are y-you my soulmate?" James whispered.
"Well, to answer your question darlin'," he paused, "My name is Thomas. Thomas Jefferson. And who might you be darlin?"

J-james Madison," he stuttered. James couldn't believe that someone as good looking as the man before him could be meant for him.
"Well? What are you waiting for James? Come sit with me. I want to hear all about you," Thomas said casually. James blushed at that, a light pink spread over his dark skin.

This was only the beginning.

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