Rejection (Part One)

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(James P.O.V)

'Thomas Jefferson. Cocky, sassy, smartass, arrogant... beautiful, handsome, smart...'

"Snap out of it James. He would never like you." I thought to myself. I was just the nerdy, small, shy, and quiet kid. I had a stutter and asthma.

Thomas was  perfect. 'Well at least to me he is." He was on the baseball team and the soccer team. Two of my favorite sports. It doesn't quite help that the baseball pants make his ass look great. He was tall, slim, dark and frizzy haired. His skin was a light mocha.

"James, bro, you're staring at him. Again," My best friend, Samuel, said. "Why don't you just go ask him out? Homecoming is in about a month and a half." He looked at me with a small smile.

"Nope, he's way too out of my league," I whispered. I quickly glanced back towards him. He wasn't paying attention to the teacher, Mr. Adams. He was looking towards me.

Just as fast as I looked over, I looked back towards the teacher. I could still feel him eyeing me. A second pair of eyes landed on me too, along with an elbow. "Ouch, what was that for Samuel," I said knowing he hates me using his full name, "Did you need to do that?"

"Yep. Three more minutes of class. And don't call me 'Samuel'." He paused, tapping his his foot. " I'm gonna ask George King to go as my date."

"Really? You're going to come out of your safety bubble for a bit? Do you know if he even likes guys?" I asked in rapid fire succession.

"Yes to all of your questions.  I know George is bi because I have my sources." The bell rung, signaling the end of class and the beginning of lunch. We walked out and headed towards the cafeteria.

As soon as we sat down we were joined by our other very gay friend. John sat down looking very done. "I am so not dealing with Alexander, Hercules, AND Laf. Not when all they're doing is making really cheesy jokes."

"We shall protect you from the awful jokes. Isn't that right, Sam?"

"In just a bit. I have something to do." He got up winking. John and I watched as our very own Weasley made his way over to "King". George was glaring at a girls back as she ran out the room. His icy blue eyes finally rested on Sam's figure.

They both relaxed a bit. George got an amused expression before standing up and whispering in Sammy's ear. He walked back with a goofy grin plastered across his face. "He said yes."

John wolf whistled. He then looked up with both wide eyes and a look of disgust.

(Thomas P.O.V)

I was gonna ask James Madison out.

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