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Credit to: Narrystwerkstar

Zayn (Age 2):

"Are you ready?" Zayn asked. You glanced at the, suddenly sharp looking, scissors and nodded at him. You turned away from him and flinched when you heard the snip of the scissors, whimpering when the freshly cut strand of hair bounced off your shoulder. He continued to snip away and you couldn’t help but shake out of fear. "Hey, hey!" Liam muttered. "It will be alright. And you will look so beautiful after it gets done." He whispered as he grabbed your small hand. You looked up at him and smiled. "Pwomise?" You asked, your mispronunciation of the word causing him to smile. "I promise!" You smiled widely and patiently waited for Zayn to finish, Liam’s hand grasped tightly in yours.

Liam (Age 3)-  

"No, no, no, no, no, no ,no…" You were terrified of getting your hair cut and today was the day it was going to happen. You had told Liam that you didn’t want your hair cut and that you would be happier with it long, but of course he wouldn’t listen. So here you sat, muttering to yourself. You were doing pretty good, except for the muttering, until he cut a strand off and you freaked out. "No! Stop!" You whimpered. "Y/N shhh it will be okay!" Louis muttered. He grabbed your hand and held it as you whimpered. "I scared!" You squealed. Liam sighed and put the scissors down. "Y/N why don’t you want your hair cut." He asked you. "I scared!" You squealed back. "But …Ariel cut her hair…and she still looked pretty, So why can’t I cut your hair and make you pretty like Ariel was when she cut hers?" You frowned and shook your hair. "Ariel have long hair LiLi!" The other boys burst into giggles and he smiled. "Ariel’s hair grew back. And yours will too. And when it grows back it will be even prettier!" You thought it over for a few seconds and then you sighed. "I guess.." You muttered. The boys cheered and Liam finished cutting your hair.

Niall (Age 5):

"Nooo!" You screamed, your voice echoing across the whole house. "Y/N come back!" Niall screamed, his heavy footsteps catching up with yours. You screamed again and ran faster. Eventually you ended up in the kitchen and relief spread through you once you realized you were alone. Before anyone could realize you were in the room you ran and hid under the table. After a few minutes foot steps wandered into the room and stopped in front of the table. "Y/N come one!" A voice sounded, a voice you recognized as Harry. "It not so bad getting a haircut. I know you like it long, I do too, but its better when you get it short. You know….when your hair is short more boys will play with your and you can go down slides faster." You considered what he said for a moment and slowly crawled out from the table and over to his feet. "It will make me fast?" You asked him, your wide eyes staring up at him. "Extremely fast…faster than Louis!" He yelled, quickly picking you up and placing you on his hip. The other boys ran in, out of breath, and watched you two. "So what do you say?" You thought for a moment and smiled. "Yes. But only if it makes me faster than Louis!" Everyone laughed and Harry placed you in the chair.

Harry (Age 4):

"I’m scared." You stated, staring up at the boys and waiting for them to reply. Zayn smiled and grabbed your hand. "We know Y/N. This is only the 40th time you’ve told us." He said, the other boys laughing and nodding in agreement. "Yeah! And you told us you wanted to look like Rapunzel…Don’t you wanna look like Rapunzel?" You sighed and rolled your eyes. "Fine!" Harry nodded and quickly snipped a piece off. The snipping sound was louder than you thought it would be and you screamed. "Y/n what is it?!" Harry screamed. "I don’t want to cut no more! Glue it back! Glue it back now!" You were screaming and crying now and the boys tried their hardest to stop you. "Hey! Babe chill out! Its not that bad!" Zayn yelled over your screams. You stopped, still sniffling, and looked up at him. "You do it?" You asked. "Yeah! I do it all the time." He said, flashing you a smiled. You sat in silence for a moment until you came up with an idea. "You do it?! You do it and I do it!" The others boys snorted and Zayn gulped. "But I already cut mine…" He whispered. "Then I no do it!" You stated firmly. Harry looked at Zayn and begged him with his eyes. Zayn glanced between you and Harry for a while and then sighed. "Okay…watch this." He walked over to Harry and crouched down a little. :Do it quick Styles!" He growled. Harry smirked and cut off a huge chunk. The other boys cheered and you clapped. "My turn! My turn!" You screamed. And Harry obliged.

Louis (Age 1):

It was time for your first ever haircut and anyone could tell you were scared. Louis had decided to give you a buzz cut since it was the beginning of the summer and he knew you would be hot with your long hair. It was going well until he brought out the electric razor and the buzz scared you. You immediately started crying when the buzz got closer to your ear and he stopped it. You tried to get away but Niall held you back. “Y/N its alright.” He whispered. You stopped crying a little and looked at him, fear in your eyes. “What are we gonna do?” Louis asked. The other boys shrugged and tried to think of something. “I can hold her in my lap?” Niall suggested, smiling when you reached for him. Louis nodded in agreement and Niall say on the chair with you on his lap. “I’m gonna just say sorry now because you’re gonna have a good amount of hair in your lap.” Louis muttered to Niall. “It’ll be fine.” Niall muttered, watching as you played with his fingers.

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