Your Baby's First Word

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Credit to: Malikzapper

Zayn: ookie; It was your sister’s birthday and you decided to make her a batch of cookies and a dozen cupcakes to surprise her. While Zayn played with your 8 month old son, Nathan, you began decorating them. You were cleaning up all the mess and putting the dishes away when Nathan crawled into the kitchen. “Does my big boy want a cookie?” you say in a childish voice. As you walked over to the container where the cookies were at, your son said, “ookie”. You handed him the cookie before walking over to Zayn to tell him what had just happened.

Liam: nana; You were looking at the fruits while Liam was holding your 9 month old daughter. Every time you went grocery shopping Liam would tell your little girl the names of the fruits hoping she would say her first words. After getting apples you headed towards the bananas when you heard a little voice say “nana”. “Babe, she just said her first word,” Liam says looking at you. “Natalie just said her first word, she wants a banana,” Liam says with a big smile on his face. “Mommy’s so proud of you,” you say taking her into your arms.

Louis: mik; Your daughter was almost 11 months old and still hadn’t said her first words. While you were making dinner Louis was feeding her, her bottle of milk. “Y/N i don’t think she’s hungry, she just spits it out,” you hear Louis call from the living room. You poked your head from the kitchen door frame and saw her playing and throwing the milk before she says “mik”. Louis gave you a confused look as to what had just happened. “Did she just…” Louis says before your daughter interrupts  him by saying “mik” again.

Harry: mama; Harry was at home taking care of your 10 month old son, Max, while you ran some errands. He still hadn’t said his first words, but you and Harry didn’t rush him either. You had stopped on your way back home to get something to eat when you got a call from Harry. “Is anything wrong with the baby?” you say worrying. “No he’s fine, its something good. He said his first word.” “What did he say?” you ask Harry eagerly. “He looked at a picture of you on my phone, and then said “mama” he finally did it,” he says with so much excitement.

Niall: mo; Niall was taking care of your 7 month old son, while you showered. You had left them both eating, well Niall was feeding him apple sauce but every now and then would take a spoonful in his mouth. Soon all the apple sauce was gone from the bowl, and your son began to shift in his seat before he said “mo”. “Your son wants more apple sauce?” you say walking over to him. “Daddy finished all of it huh?” you say making your son giggle. Just then you hear Niall say, “It was all him, I swear,” with a chuckle.

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