Chapter two

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I'm not checking for flaws. I'm human. Sure as hell not a saint. So don't be all like oh no! She made a mistake! She's so stupid! Because I'm tired of people putting people down for making simple mistakes. I'm writing this at night. I'll probably stay up to at least twelve writing this so.... suck it up! You would make mistakes too!


Next day at school I saw Ash taking to Cater. At my locker! Ash was leaning right in mine.

Ash saw me before Carter did and he grinned.

"Hello Sunshine! We were just taking 'bout you!" Ash's teeth were full on showing in a cheesy grin.

I rolled my eyes. "Get off of my locker Dickface." I snapped. He scooted over just enough that I could open my locker.

"Someone's PMSing." Ash teased. I glared at my locker as I stuffed my things into it.

"Carter, please don't tell me you're going to be bffs" I mocked in a high pitched voice then lowered it to my normal pitch, "because he's annoying as hell."

"You're right Carter! She is nice and funny!" He mocked.

"You just wait! She's all warm and cuddly!" Carter stated enthusiastica;y

Then, out of no were Ash picked me up and engulfed me in a huge bear hug. I panicked and kneed him in the place it hurts most he grunted in pain. I backed up, looked between both of the boys them did the first thing that was sensible. Run.


As she ran I saw a cut on the back of her neck. I want able to get a good look, her hair was down and in the way, but when she ran her hair flew and the cut caught my attention. 

Something wasn't right. We heard crying, like full on sobbing, before we knocked last night, then the refusing to tell who the dad was of her child. Now it's she doesn't like

being touched and a cut in a peculiar place. Nothing added up. They all led me to different explanations.

"Do all three of us have a class together?" I turned to Carter, he hadn't given me anything about her yet so he better give me that much information or it will be confirmed; he's too good of a friend.

"Ummm, yeah, gym class I think."


I spotted Mickey and Carter walking and talking across the gym. I jogged over to them and Mickey stopped talking and just looked at me with her beautiful, sad face. Dark blue eyes, dirty blond hair, slender and small, she was truly a piece of work. That's when I noticed that she had long sweat pants and a sweat shirt. Odd.

"I just wanted to say, I'm sorry about this morning. I didn't know."

"It's ok. Thank you." she said quietly looking at her knotted hands. Carter's arm was slinked around her waist, she didn't seem to notice. Why not? He did mention that they've been best friends since, like, kindergarten I think. She had trust issues I can tell you that much. "Sorry for kicking you.... there."

"Naw, I deserved it. I just feel bad..."

"Why? Did you look in a mirror?" She winked.  I haven't seen this part of her. 

"Ouch, someone is cranky today. and no, I feel bad because i have to look at your face." She giggled. I felt a burst of happieness inside me. I've barely seen her smile, let alone laugh. Carter also said that she almost never laughed. 


"L 7 weanie!" Some guy burst out. The teacher reluctantly jotted the saying on the board. I could tell she was trying to hide her giggles.

"Carter! They're calling for you!" Ash yelled from across the room. I rolled my eyes. I glanced at Carter who was sitting next to me and he flipped Ash off, a trace of a small grin showing up on his face.

In my Language Arts class our teacher is literally only five years older than us and can be pretty fun. An example was today, we got to watch Sandlot then write down all of the characters and their actions. This class was the last class of the day. Heray! Daddy time! I thought in my head... though I love seeing Roscoe. And I always will.

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