chapter three

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                            ~ Ash~

After going through gym class and lunch with making Mickey laugh uncontrollably I couldn't stop grinning. It was 5 o'clock in the morning and I couldn't sleep. Carter said she rarely laughed. There was something special about Mickey that I loved. She was pretty and sweet when you really got to know her, she was sarcastic and when you got her rolling on a good topic was actually pretty funny.

I decided to go see her. Now. I jumped out of bed and threw in some jeans and a t-shirt grabbing a sweat shirt on my way out the door.

"Hey sleepy butt, get up." I whispered poking her. She looked kind of cute in a way, her hair was flying in every direction, her face shoved into a pillow. I blushed when I realized that she had nothing on. Thankfully she was on her stomach and though her sheet was showing her back it covered her bum. I looked around and found a shirt that looked like it would be too big on me. Must be her dad's.

"Hey Medusa, get up I want to take you some-" Then I saw it. A huge bruise that covered her while left side.

"Mickey get up right now and tell me where and who you got that bruise from." I was trying to keep my voice down but I was pissed.

Her eyes flew open. "What the hell are you doing here!?" She said grabbing her sheets and flipping around so she was sitting up making her sheets practically choke her.

I have the shirt to her and turned my back.

"Let me get some jeans or something." She mumbled.

A couple minutes later we were walking down the street. She turned to me and glared at me. "You're lucky that Roscoe want in bed with me! You would have scars the shit out of him! He's a light sleeper!"

I have her a blank stare and ignored her. "Who have you that bruise?" My voice was husky.

She looked away. "No one." I cupped her face in my hands and made her look at me.

"I'm going to ask you one more time ok? Who did that to you."

She just stared at me pain in her eyes. She finally spoke up. "I have to go before my dad and Roscoe start to worry." With that she ran. Her white Converses beating against the sidewalk add she ran.


Did I hate Ash? He's just trying to be a good friend. He's nosy though. I can't tell him though. No one can know. Conceal, don't feel. That was my motto thanks to Frozen, the best Disney movie ever.

I got back to Hell with screaming and crying. Shit. I ran upstairs to find Jack hitting Roscoe. I did the first thing that came to my mind, the myself in between Jack and Roscoe. My dad didn't seem to notice, he just kept throwing his fist down in painful thrusts that felt they didn't end for hours. Roscoe was still under me, I was barely able to stand. I heard the door sham and knew he was gone.

"Baby" I manage to croak out. "Go to Harvard's house and tell his older brother, Ash, to come down immediately. ok?" Roscoe crawled out from under me and nodded an agreement. I listened as his adorable feet padded down the stairs. I have out after his footsteps disappeared.

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