Omg I'm the Worst

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Literally I am the worst. I haven't even stepped foot on Wattpad for over a year. Yikes. Well, I will try to finish the other part since I don't want to leave people hanging, but after that I have no idea if I will continue the story. I think I've already said this before, but from here on out this entire account in just me. el Dictator of Bacon who is hereby changing her name to Cringing Author. rip. Anyway, I will publish part 2 but I don't think I will ever get back on afterwards, whoops. I'm not nearly as good an author as I thought I was, so rip me. Anyway, I won't even bother putting author name at the bottom because you know who it is at this point. So sorry. Hopefully I will remember by the end of the week

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2017 ⏰

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