What just happened?

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It was a typically Saturday night. Me sitting in my room with my two favorite things: music and my razor. I was home alone. That meant I could blast my music as loud as I want. I sat in my room alone in my sports bra and shorts. I sat there and slid the razor across my wrist. Damn that felt good. I heard the door slam and I heard laughter. My sister had come home drunk with her boyfriend Alan. I heard her door slam right next to mine. I knew what that mean, Alan was going to stay the night. I decided to go in the kitchen and clean my wrist off and bandage it. My sister didn’t know what I did to myself. I walked downstairs singing lyrics to my favorite Pierce the Veil song. Someday I'll drive, close both my eyes.We'll swim in circles in the blue lights,it's gonna be the best day of my life. I got into the kitchen and started rinsing the blood off.

“Hey..” I heard a deep voice behind me.

I  turned around to see a tall handsome man..He had brown hair tattoos and beautiful green eyes.

“WHAT THE FUCK” I screamed as I grabbed a knife from its place on the counter.

He chuckled.

“Relax. I’m Austin. I’m a friend of Alans. I drove him and Nicole home because well they are shit faced.” He said this so calmly with this look in his eyes that made my heart flutter.

I lowered the knife.

“Oh I’m Veronica….Nicole’s sister.”

“ I figured” he said as I saw him glance down my body. Oh shit. I was practically half naked in front of this gorgeous man. I felt blood rushing to my cheeks.

“ Are you bleeding?!?” He exclaimed with concern in his voice.

“oh uhm..” I had completely forgotten why I was down there in the first place. Blood had started to drip from my wrist to the floor.

He grabbed my arm. I couldn’t look. I turned my head. This was the first time someone had seen my cuts and it was this guy I barely knew.

“oh my god….we need to get these stitched up..” I heard the slight crack in his voice telling me he was trying not to cry. But why? He didn’t even know me.

“No it’s alright I’m fine I don’t need stitches” I yanked my arm away and placed it behind my back. His lips quivered.

“At least let me bandage that..” He sounded so genuinely concerned.

“ Alright” I said fighting my tears back.

He grabbed the first aid kit I had left on the counter. He dabbed my cuts clean and bandaged them.

“thanks” I replied finally letting the tears fall.

“Don’t thank me. No! Don’t cry! What did I do? I’m sorry!” He said this as a tear fell down his cheek.

I couldn’t say anything I just sat there crying.

“I’m sorry I know I am just some random dude in the middle of your house and you probably want nothing to do with me or anything but you are too beautiful to do this to yourself and I really want to do anything I can and just I don’t know this is probably the strangest moment of my life but I feel like I need to protect you and I haven’t even know you five minutes…”  he was speaking really fast. I could barely keep up.

“I feel just as weird okay you are the only person who knows I do that and I just met you and you just did all this and what the fuck are you doing to me that is making my stomach all butterflies and what the fuck austin” I talked just as fast as him.

Our moment was ruined from the noises of sex from upstairs.

“ EWWWWWW! WHAT THE FUCK ASHBY!” Austin screamed.

I couldn’t help but laugh.

“ I can’t sit here and listen to this come on I’m taking you back to my place.” He said it so calmly and nicely like the past ten minutes had not just happened and we had know each other for eternity.

“Oh well uhm I don’t….” He cut me off.

“ Nononono! Not like that. Just I don’t want to stay here with...that…it’s too late to go anywhere and I am not leaving you alone” He made me melt.

How was he doing this to me?

“Well I’ll be oka..” He cut me off again.

“You have no choice you are coming with me.”

“ Okay fine I’ll come with you”

He took off his hoodie and handed it to me. I slipped it on. He smelled amazing. I slipped on my vans and he led my out of my house and to his car.

He opened the door for me.

“ I guess chivalry isn’t dead” I giggled.

‘Tis not m’lady.” Austin giggled back.

He got in his side and started the car. He started driving to his house. I finally broke the silence.

“ I know you are Alan’s friend but where have I seen you?” I knew I sounded stupid.

He laughed.

“Well I’m the lead in a band called Of Mice and Men.”

Oh duh! I knew alan was in that band I just didn’t listen to them. I knew who they were though.

“Oh my God of course!” I laughed. He did too.

He pulled up to this huge mansion. My jaw dropped.

“ This is yours?” I was in awe.

“ yes. Too much? We can go somewhere els…” This time I cut him off.

“ nono, it’s fine it is just amazing.”

He led me inside. The inside was just as amazing as the out. He led me upstairs to what seemed to be a guest room.

“ Here is where you can stay tonight” Austin said nervously with his hand on the back of his neck.

“ Thank you.” I smiled. I am still trying to figure out what has happened all of tonight.

“ If you need anything my room is right there.” He said pointing to a room across the hall.

“ Okay goodnight…” I said as he turned away.

“goodnight” I could hear him smiling.

“Wait austin..?”


“thank you..”

He smiled and walked away. I walked over and into the bed. I realized I still had his hoodie on. I smiled to myself.

I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to Austin shaking me.

“Ronny wake up! It’s just a dream wake up!” He sounded panicked.

“wha…” I realized I was crying.

“ are you okay? You were screaming in your sleep so I came to check on you..” He said as he wiped the tears from my face.

“ Yes it was just a bad dream. It happens a lot. “ I said as I tried to stop crying.

“alright…” He stood up and began walking out the door.

“Austin” I said panicky.


“will you stay in here with me?” I could feel my face turning red.

“of course.” He turned around and got into the bed next to me. I slid into his arms and he held me for the rest of the night.

Author's note~~~~~~

Thank you to all of those who read this. I will update soon. I'm sorry for the poor writing this is my first time writing something like this!



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