Chapter Five

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  I released a deep, long breath before entering the Alpha's office. Woah. This pack and its members never fail to amaze me. This room is the largest and comfiest one I've ever entered in my whole boring life. They surely are all damn filthy rich. They have their money at their disposal however they wish at one snap of their fingers.
  The Alpha's office is big. Real, real big. No joke. No exaggerations. It screams gold, silver and diamond. I can live here forever. Each furniture and and every appliance shout millions of dollars. This whole office alone and everything inside it boast billion dollars. How much more the entire pack house? Is this for real? Are they for real? No way. Just no, no way.
  I will willingly and gladly accept to be an ordinary wolf here, with no whatsoever else if ever. I wish. At least I'm alive. Alive with all these luxuries everywhere around me. I had a well~off life before. My parents and my previous pack are rich. But not this rich and I've never experienced nor witnessed these luxuries before.
  "But nothing here is yours or will be so. You can never touch nor use any of those," Margo, my wolf.
  "I will if ever I become a part of this pack. I am not wishing to be of high rank or any special position here, anyways. I'm fine of not being so important here as long as I'm not treated poorly and unfairly either," I defensively explained.
  "They won't trust you, an outsider, a rogue, with any of those. I bet your life~ ours~ won't be enough for them to rake as a payment for a single piece of a tiny item. Besides, how confident are you that they will accept you to be one of them? They will more likely torture you to death or let you leave to die hungry and wandering unprotected."
  "You mean us. They will torture and kill us."
  She never fails to annoy me. She loves waking me up from my dreams to slap me straight in my face with the bitter reality. Is daydreaming forbidden? Is it that bad to hope for a beyond impossible miracle that can save my life?
  "You're finally here."
  I snapped my head towards the voice's direction.
  "Are you Leo, Jack or Zach?" I asked curiously.
  You can't blame me. I only saw them in wolf form.
  "The Alpha wants to see me?" And torture me then kill me or let me leave to die out there without anyone knowing. I wondered. I mourn for me and Margo. My annoying but beloved wolf. We have no one but ourselves.
  I don't even have a mate yet. Haven't met him yet, unfortunately. What will probably happen to him? To our bond? This is so sad and tragic. My poor mate. Screw my life.
  "Alpha Tyler left for an emergency. His presence is badly needed at the office. Company stuff."
  Oh, yes. Right. Alpha Tyler Williams the Great of the Black Moon Pack is the CEO and President of the Williams Empire Group of Companies,an international network of companies of all kinds. The lucky bastard. How could he got it all? How dare he to want and to easily get more and more? Darn successful. Darn blessed. He's super filthy rich. His family is, too and so is his pack.
  They're all ridiculously wealthy and forbiddingly influential and powerful in both human and werewolf worlds. They dominate both societies. They're scary. Screw them! They can get lost and I won't blink an eye for a nanosecond.
  "What do I do now?"
  Please don't kill me.
  It's the Alpha's order to bring you to the undergound dungeon. You will be tortured accordingly as your fellow rogues down there."
  I am nervous and speechless.
  "Another wolf will do the honor of escorting you, Miss Atkins. Miss Grace Atkins."
  I am to open my mouth when he interrupted me.
  "Don't ask. Clarisse told us your name through mindlink. You'll regret leaving the Blue River Pack to die in another pack's hands."
  Then he left without another word or glance. I really am doomed! That Leo must be heading back to where the twins are to resume doing their job. Another male were escorted me to hell under this pack's ground. We are meters away from the main entrance and I can already hear different sounds clearly. Dreadful sounds. Groans and shouts and sobs of agony and torment. Almost incoherent words begging for nonexistent mercy. Grunts and spiteful insults of angry tormentors. I smell various scents. Too many scents mixed together. Smell of blood, sweat and tears dominate. Here we are. Here I am. Alas! This is the end of everything for me.
  "There you go. My nameless escort pushed me lightly to the main hell hole.
  "I'm Mike, by the way. Michael George. Goodbye." Then he's gone back outside. Just like that, just like that.
  Noticing my arrival, a ruthless sadist turned to me. My tormentor.
  My horrid, painful experience started. I feel horribly scared and pathetic. They tortured me like I'm not a woman or maybe they don't and will never give a shit about me being one. I'm a plain rogue to be tortured to death like the others. I guess I won't be able to meet their infamous and legendary Alpha who's also an international magnate and global business tycoon. A giant. A saga.
  I started to scream and scream in anguish allowing my tears to flow freely and wet my face. I did not beg. It will all be in vain. I cried and bellowed and thrashed against the reins. It's all useless. I never stopped groaning and screaming. I sob as I felt my own sweat and blood drench my body and soul, scarring me for life. I fade into the darkness of oblivion as weariness, pain and hunger enveloped my whole being.


  I woke up with the splash of icy cold water on my body. When I finally managed to open my eyes with so much effort and be able to take in my surrounding, I found out I'm in an underground cell and a female villain with an empty bucket in hand grins triumphantly. What an evil. A she~devil. Flesh and blood. She's taller than me. I admit she's also pretty like Clar and has a nice body. That's all. I loathe her.
  "Stand and walk now, rogue!" She spats venomously, disgust written on her face. She then spit on my face! I stayed quiet and wiped it off.
  Another voice booms.
  "Claudia, that's enough. Let's go. The Alpha's waiting."
  It's that Mike guy again. I don't know and I'm not that sure but he seems to pity me. He's not harsh to me. He discreetly saved me from Claudia.
  Whatever. I have no time for this.
  Claudia, the evil witchy bitchy shit, pushed me real hard! What the heck? Damn her.
  As soon as I'm within his reach, Mike grabbed my arm and lead the way. The bitch walked ahead of us and went fast to the house's direction.
  Here I am again, standing in front of the Alpha's office door for the second time today.
  Mike pressed a button and a small camera turns to scan us before the door automatically opens.
  Darn them to hell!
  I haven't discovered these a while ago. I'm not from here anyways. That's why. Pathetic excuse.
  Big, bad alpha, here I come.

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