On every cliché book, strangers turned friends, friends turned lovers, lovers stayed with each other for awhile until some bitch or fuckboy breaks the couple apart, turning them to perfect strangers with memories of each other. Unless they fight for...
"Dude, I think that girl's checking you out." Alejandro looked back and saw the girl from his new Calculus class, Vera Heronn who was sitting 3 tables away from them. He never really know her that much, only her name and that her gothic aura tells people to fuck off. It would be a miracle if that girl has friends or a boyfriend.
"Nah, who would dare check him out when he's dating your sister? Right, Kris?"
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Kris just shrugged at Liam.
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He was right. No one would dare be against Krisha. God knows what would happen to girls who disrespected her and people that she cared most.
Though Alejandro and Krisha are a thing for a week now, it seems like they were intimate. She liked him, he liked her. But they couldn't say those three words to each other. Somehow it wasn't right but who cares though if they are together then they will be together.
"Well she's cute though."
The boys laughed at Kris who unexpectedly was staring at Vera. Even when she dresses in all black everyday and has 2 piercings on her lower lip, she was really beautiful. But since she's a weirdo, her beauty means nothing.
"Well if you think she's cute, go after her. Your girlfriend's not here yet." Alejandro said while slightly pushing his soon-to-be-brother-in-law towards the direction where Vera was standing.
"No shit dude. Stop it." Kris glared at Alejandro as if he would kill him by an instant if he wouldn't take his hands of Kris' jacket.
"Fine!" Alejandro put his hands up showing he gives up. He couldn't dare go against his girlfriend's brother. In fact, he wants to be closer to Kris so it wouldn't be too awkward for him that he's dating his close friend's sister.
The guys were silent for a second until Liam cracked up a topic that involved Hyungwon who was currently reading a book.
"Ain't that the 3rd time you're reading that book?" Hyungwon closed the book harshly that made Liam gulped in fear. Hyungwon is the fearsome of them all when someone pisses him off and it didn't pass Liam's little head if Hyungwon got upset when he asked him an obvious question or if he had already been upset and just got worst because of Liam.