They say it's easy

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Sunlight filtered in through the window, effectively waking up the boy curled up in bed. Taehyung smiled content with his long nap, and stretched his arms as he yawned, his hands hitting the headboard in the progress.

"Ouch." Taehyung frowned as he quickly retracted his hand, rubbing the knuckles. He was confused for a moment when he took a good look around the room, dropping his hand back on the mattress. Mattress? Suddenly realizing where exactly he was situated he jumped out of bed, running to the door.

I fell asleep in the bed meaning I made Jungkook sleep on the carpet. God, I'm an idiot."

The door creaked open when Taehyung peeked through the gap and he quickly tip-toed over to the main room, noticing the man curled up on the carpet, the hearth already died out.

Now I feel bad. I was selfish to fall asleep so he had no choice to sleep on the ground.

Taehyung let out a sigh and fumbled with his fingers.

What should I do? Wake him up and apologize? I could just kick myself out of the house, he's probably thinking I'm too selfish anyway. But I would feel even worse for running away when he's been nothing but nice to me...

The boy took a look at the kitchen table and instantly got an idea when his eyes fell on the last breadcrumbs from yesterday.

Breakfast. I could get him breakfast!

Taehyung glanced at Jungkook one last time and slipped out of the front door. The sun was already shining brightly meaning it was already late in the morning, but the market should still be there.

Taehyung ran all the way to the market place. Some stalls were already gone but it was still bustling with people. Taehyung noticed the bread stall with a woman behind it. The poor lady fell asleep and the stall was in the quieter corner of the marketplace.

The boy glanced around before swiftly snatching a loaf of bread away and some pastries. A little girl caught him in the act and Taehyung noticed her staring from a distance, her stuffed doll clutched tightly between her chest and her arm.

Taehyung walked up to her before she could make a move to tell others she saw some boy stealing. Taehyung wondered what to do and presented a strawberry cupcake to her, holding it in front of her. She looked up to the boy and then back to the cupcake.

"Our secret", He brokenly whispered out as he held a finger in front of his lips.

She nodded, a grin spreading on her lips before he grabbed the cupcake and ran off. Taehyung smiled and turned back around, grabbing a ham out of a basket from some unaware woman checking out the cheese stall. Taehyung smirked to himself and quickly ran back to Jungkook's place.

When Taehyung opened the front door he noticed Jungkook wasn't in his original spot any longer. The house seems deserted, making the boy frowned. He walked up to the kitchen table to drop his items, creating a small noise. A loud thud resonated through the house in response and it startled Taehyung when Jungkook came running from the bedroom.

"Oh my god Taehyung, you scared me", he clutched his heart. His black hair stuck to every distraction and he seemed very worried, bags underneath his eyes and disheveled clothes.

He probably had a bad night's sleep all because of me.

Taehyung dropped his head in embarrassment.

"Where were you?", he asked, stepping closer to see the bread, pastries, and ham laying on the table. Taehyung coughed, trying to find his voice and a reply.

"I-I felt bad for making you sleep on the couch, so I wanted to take care of breakfast", he admitted, tugging at the hem of his shirt, well Jungkook's shirt.

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