Bonus Chapter

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Hello, my lovely readers! I am having a terrible, terrible, miserable week, but that's all right. Do you want to know why? Because I have 11,000 READS!!! ! You guys are soooo adorable! So I have decided to post a little short story for you. 

There is some important announcements at the end of this chapter. Please read it!!



Warning: You may have read this story. It is quite a famous tale after all.

An excerpt from The Chronicles of Barry Otter.

“Barry Otter and the Mysterious Ticking Noise”

All children, except one, grow up. Barry Otter was not the lucky exception. But unlike many of his adult friends, who were too depressed by this fact to do anything productive, Barry was determined to become the man his five year old self would look up to. He decided to be the greatest wand maker in the history of wand makers since the legendary Ollivander himself. Phoenix tail feathers, dragon heartstrings, dusty wand boxes… the good life.

            Throughout his various travels, he heard about a special kind of wand making institution. It was the only wand making institution in the history of wand making institutions that had its very own Quidditch team. And naturally, Barry was determined to join.

            He searched far and wide for this institution. He looked in the darkest, deepest valleys and in the highest, snowiest mountains, with no avail. Eventually, he wound up in a magical village on the farthest corner of the earth. Close to this village was a tall mountain, always covered in snow. From the wonderful, magical villagers, he learned that there was a special Wizarding School for the Jedi on the very tippy top of the mountain, where all the Jedi Wizards studied and learned all their pizzazz.

            Barry stated at the mountain for the longest time. The mystery of it intrigued him. He wondered what it was like up there.

            One day when he was about to resume his search, wind was blowing down from the mountains, the air turned quite cold and Barry heard a mysterious ticking noise issuing from the very tippy top of the mountain.

            So he made himself a double decker nutella sandwich, hopped onto a villager’s rickety cleensweep seven and started his journey to the Wizarding School for the Jedi. It took him hours and hours but finally, he made it to the top. He bravely walked up to the massive door and knocked on it. The door opened and the headmaster of the Wizarding School for the Jedi walked out.

            “Hello, Mr. Headmaster, sir.” Barry was very polite. “Down at the village in the valley below, I heard a very mysterious ticking noise issuing from your Wizarding School for the Jedi. Could you tell me what it is?”

            “I’m afraid I can’t tell you. For you are not a Jedi Wizard,” Mr. Headmaster replied.

            Sadly, Barry got back on his borrowed rickety Cleansweep Seven and dejectedly made his way back to the village. He really, really wanted to know what was making that mysterious ticking noise.

            The noise didn’t stop, in fact it seemed even louder and mysterious, than before and Barry was so overwhelmed by curiosity, he rode back up the mountain to the Wizarding School for the Jedi again. He knocked and the Headmaster greeted him.

            “Mr. Headmaster, sir. I’d really like to know what is making that mysterious ticking noise,” Barry requested politely.

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