Chapter 26: Wonderstruck (Flashback Part 2)

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Hello, my lovely readers! I can't believe this story is coming to an end!! Two days ago, I finished writing the rough draft of the epilogue. I was about to cry. Ok, that was a lie. I usually don't cry. But i was really, really sad =(

For anyone who cares, there are four chapters left after this chapter, followed by an epilogue.

Oh, there is another song in this chapter. (Not mine obviously, I sing worse than Hagrid) It is on the side. I mixed Adam Young's version with Taylor Swift's version and ended up with the version I used in the story, so the version in the story might be a bit different from the one on the side. And I couldn't find a Dramione version, so I put a Harry/Luna version...weird paring...

And a picture of Hermione and Draco is on the side as well >>>>>>>>>

BTW, this is my longest chapter so far!!!



“Perhaps if we saw what was ahead of us, and glimpsed the follies, and misfortunes that would befall us later on, we would all stay in our mother's wombs, and then there would be nobody in the world but a great number of very fat, very irritated women.” 
― Lemony Snicket

From the other end of the room, Draco was watching their exchange curiously. In fact, he had been watching Hermione from the second she and Ginny had walked in. She looked so breathtakingly beautiful; he couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of her.

            After confirming his suspicious that the Weasel had failed to show up, he, quite heartlessly, abandoned his date and began making his way towards the group.

            “Potter, Ginny, Hermione,” Draco drawled as he neared them. He felt as if he had walked in on a wrong moment, for Harry was looking as if he had just murdered someone, Ginny looked as if she was going to murder someone, and Hermione looked as if she was the one who was murdered.

            “Malfoy,” Harry replied politely, or as politely as a Potter could ever speak to a Malfoy.

            “So. Awkward silence,” Draco stated trying to break the tension. When that didn’t work, he turned to Hermione. “You ended up dateless too, eh?”

            “Yeah—wait, what happened to…uh…what’s her name…Sarah?” Hermione asked confusedly as she looked around.

            “I believe her name was Meghan,” Draco replied thoughtfully.

            “Her name is Ashley,” Ginny replied dryly.

            “Close enough,” Draco replied. “Anyways. She found something better to do. So I guess it’s the two of us. Again.”

            “Again,” Ginny replied in a strange tone, staring directly at Hermione, who blushed furiously.

            “What is it with you Gryffindors’?”  Draco asked as he glanced at the three grim faces surrounding him. “I feel like I’m attending a funeral!”

            “Malfoy is right,” Harry added, shocking everyone within hearing range. “Look, even Mr. Filch is having more fun than us.”

            Indeed, sadly enough, Mr. Filch was twirling around the room with Ms. Prince.

            “I always knew they were getting it on in the restricted section of the library,” Harry added causing everyone to burst into laughter. Trying to maintain a serious face, he added, “I mean why else would she get so worked up if we wanted to go into the restricted section?”

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