Chapter 5

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Hikaru was training harder and harder, "I'll definitely become stronger than hakuryuu, I'll definitely crush you!" She cried and the dark aura emerging from her, formed the shape "the guidance of darkness, yin come forth!" Her keshin rouse high and moved its sword according to Hikaru's movement. In some instants the ball reached the net. "Go and get some rest" hikaru turned around to see the red haired woman standing by the door "but I'm not done yet!"hikaru said wiping her sweat off her temple, "no, you shouldn't over exert yourself" saying this the instructor left the room


I bit the last bite of my sandwich, I could feel people staring at me, but I decided not to pay any heed. "It's so good that you can play in our team 'the ancient dark', don't you think so?" Shuu kun said with a gentle smile as always, I smiled in return "yes it'll be" and then I'll get to defeat him, I thought to myself looking at a certain white haired boy

Normal POV

Hikaru entered into Kibayama's office, "kageno, how's your training going? " Hikaru's face was expressionless "it's going fine" he stood up from his seat "just fine? Are you able to control your keshin?!" She nodded in agreement "good, you can leave now" hikaru slightly bowed and left the room. "Yes, we're finally going to accomplish it!" He said with a huge grin when the door opens and akiyama appears "don't celebrate too soon, Kibayama san" he got annoyed and slam his hand on the desk "now what?!" The red haired woman smirked "remember you mentioned that she has some unique power that will create balance between lightness and darkness." "So?!" Kibayama took his seat and started rubbing his chin "my point is, she's been only able to release darkness" "what?!" Kibayama's eyes got widen at this "how's she supposed to do that?!" He asked slamming the desk "there's a lot she need to do, Kibayama san"

Hikaru's POV

I couldn't believe it even after all that I did, I wasn't selected for any team. That's not fair! I clenched my fists. I saw hakuryuu and others were laughing, probably at me. I gritted at this sight, my eyes started to get blurry because they couldn't stand the pain. I felt someone tapped on my shoulder "it's alright " I turned around to see shuu kun smiling weakly at me "it's not, it's not alright! " I moved shuu kun aside and ran away from there. I ran to my room sinking onto the ground. "I lost, I lost to him " the tears running down to her chin making her face pink. "Why?!!" she cried in pain

Normal POV

She took the floral pendant in her hand and keep on staring at it. Suddenly she remembers "excuse me little miss, is this yours?" A platinium blonde boy showed her the floral pendant. "That person, do I know him?" She wondered, she got startled by a knock on her door. The figure that appears left hikaru with no word at all.

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