Chapter 7

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The ball flew high and then kicked by hikaru, the ball reached to the net. Akiyama watching from the above as she observe the girl's movements. "Hmm, she hasn't gotten any better. Looks like it's time for that" the red haired woman said with a grin. Hikaru panted as she kicked the ball with all her energy, the ball hit the pole of net. "TSk! Why I'm not able to release my keshin? "

Akiyama comes to hikaru whose was wiping her sweat off by the towel "I've something for you" she smirked as she offered her something. "It's. ." Hikaru stop speaking when she realised that they were the same headphones from before. "They will come handy" the woman says as she turned around to leave "no, this can't be any helpful! " hikaru said gritting. The red haired woman smirked at her and left the room


I was not left with any choice "I have to try" I said and stood up throwing the towel back on the bench. I put on the headphones and moved to the field. As I started the music starts, it was really strange music. I got distracted and the ball hit directly on my face! "Ah! I won't lose this time " the music was strange it was making my heartbeat faster due to which I was getting over excited and was missing the shots. "I've to do this, seitei sama believe in me". It was true that no one ever believed in me. I was just an experimental subject for them. To hear this from the seitei is too much for me "that's why I'll not lose!" I said to myself, noticing that the ball was about to be loose from my grasp. A bright light emerged from my back and spread across the room "the guidance of light, yang! Come forth"

 A bright light emerged from my back and spread across the room "the guidance of light, yang! Come forth"

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My keshin strikes the ball with his long sword and I was able to kick it into the net. After few minutes, the light disappeared and I felt like all my energy has been drained out of me. "I guess I did it" I mumbled before losing my conscious

Normal POV

Hikaru woke up and realised that she hadn't eaten anything "looks like it's time for lunch!" She said as she changed her uniform.

Hikaru entered the room and notice that everyone had already done with their lunch. Shuu noticed her so he comes to her "you're late, you were having some special training?" He asked with a gentle smile. Hikaru smiled in return "maybe" shuu waved her off and exit the room. Hikaru ran to the counter for her lunch, the lady at the counter made a disgusted look "don't get late next time or there aren't any lunch for ya next time!" She hands her sandwich and milk and turn away. Hikaru took a seat and gulped the sandwich in one bite and finished her milk in one sip. "Man, I was starving" hikaru said as she felt she'd need more lunch to eat but there won't be any chances for that

Hikaru left the room and headed for her training room. She heard some noises, so she took a different turn. As she walked towards the corridor, she checked if there's someone. She moves further seeing here and there. "I've not been here before" she said in a low voice. She saw the forest through the transparent wall at the other side of corridor. She walked towards it, she noticed the same noises from before. As she looks down, she can see the team Ancient dark training there. Their moves were too flexible, she thought . She took some steps backwards only to face a man. "From which section area you are, kid?" He asked looking straight at her. "Um, I'm from A-3" she said in a weak tone. "Better be at your own section area by now" he said with the same face "hai" she said in a low voice and turned to leave. She reached at the training place and entered the room.

Hikaru's POV

As I enters I heard the tapping of footsteps. Someone was tapping continously. I came inside and picked up my training uniform when I felt that someone was staring at me. I turned around to meet the stare of my instructor. yikes! I thought "you're late, kageno" she said with anger in her tone. "Um, actually I was having lunch... then I just got distracted.." I said with a weak tone on which she raised an eye brow "be on time!" Saying this she left, I nodded and started the training.

I tried to summon my new keshin, but it didn't work. Then it strikes me that the headphones were sending me the vibes which was increasing my adrenaline level. I took a step towards the bench only to find that the headphones were gone now. I sighed in disappointment 'akiyama san must have taken those on behalf of my late coming'. I then decided to start the training. I was trying to figure out why the keshin can't be release. Then I finally figured it out. If those beats were increasing my adrenaline then I've to do the same, I thought as I reminded myself of that music. Due to this I was not able to focus on the ball. What I'm supposed to do now? I wondered as I remembered

"remember this always hikaru, the more you love soccer the more stronger you'll be"

"I believe in you."

On remembering all this I smirked a little "seitei believes in me, I cannot give up yet!"

After doing this again and again, I felt more pumped with energy. As the edges of my shoe touched the ball I felt the same aura from. The bright light emerged from my back and spread across the room "the guidance of light, yang! Come forth" I finally summoned the keshin and it strikes the ball hard, sending it to the net. "Yess!" I felt so happy after kicking that shot, I didn't know I could be happy by just kicking a ball. To let out my happiness I started kicking all balls that were scattered around the field. I feel like I'm having fun! I thought as I kick the last ball. "It's enough, you should go rest some" I turned around to meet akiyama san. I nodded in agreement

Normal POV

Kibayama pick up his phone as it rings, "yes sir? How I might be of your help?"

"It's to remind you that the Holy Road is nearing, you better complete that project of yours or you will face the consequences"

"Of course sir! I've my project almost complete" Kibayama tighten the grip on the phone as he waited for an answer from the other side

"Hmm, that'll be seen when time will come. I won't tolerate any kind of failure, is that clear Kibayama?"

"Yesss, sir!" The phone fell on the desk as the call drops. "I cannot afford to disappoint seitei" he grinned as he read some papers "my goal will be accomplished soon!" His laughter echoes the room.

Next Day ~

Hikaru stands as she faces the team called Ancient dark. 'Shuu kun's team' hikaru thought as he smiles gently at her. The red haired woman came forward "kageno hikaru, today's test that either you qualify or not?" Hikaru tensed up thinking what'd come next? Akiyama continued "today your opponent are...them" she points towards the black team "let's do our best, hikaru chan"shuu stretched his hand to shake. Hikaru did the same and return him with that smile of him "yup, I'm ready!" The redhaired woman grinned " the match begins now!"

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