Chapter 3

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I am so sorry guys it's been a long time. I have just been really busy with school and family things and i feel so bad. I told myself I wouldn't take forever to update and look what I did. I am so sorry. But anywho here's the next chapter :) xx 

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My eyes widened in shock and I could feel my palms sweat. I was frozen. His hands were on my back holding me to him. The heat from his hands was heating my skin and I was freaking out.

“Let go of me!” I yelled finally breaking out of the shock filled haze. I thrashed in his arms trying to break free of his hold but did not succeed. He grabbed my forearms and pushed me up to the wall glaring at me with his brown eyes.

“Please don’t hurt me” I said with tears in my eyes. Everything was blurry and I couldn’t see clearly. Looking down at the floor I felt his intense gaze on my face.

“Darling you’re not going anywhere”

“Please, I don’t have money or any family members with money. I’m just a college girl please let me go I haven’t done anything wrong. I’m sorry if Kaity upset you but taking me isn’t going to solve your problem. So please just let me go” I said tears coming out of my eyes. I closed my eyes stopping the tears from flowing and slowed my breathing to calm myself down.

“I don’t want money Blondie, or this Kaity girl, I want you” he smirked looking down at my lips whilst I was shaking from fright. Want me? What does he mean by that? That he’s going to rape me? Kill me?

Looking up I saw him lean closer about to kiss me. Turning my head I caught him off guard and used that to my advantage. I pushed him away, kicking him between the legs and ran to the door. Hearing him grunt and fall to the ground. I opened the door and shut it again. Grabbing a bobbypin out of my hair I turned and locked the door.

“C’mon El how many times have you unlocked and locked a door? Stop freaking out” I whispered to myself finally locking the door. I ran in what I thought was the opposite direction to the front door so I wouldn’t go straight to the exit. Running down a hall I noticed all the pictures on the wall though not having enough time to inspect them. I ran into a broom closet and closed the door leaning against it in relief.

Sitting down on the floor I felt the vibrations from what I thought was the door being smashed down. I jumped in fright not thinking he was that strong to knock down a door. Putting my hand over my mouth to stop my breathing from being noticeable I used the small amount of time I had to think of a way out.

Okay, I’ll just wait until they leave to look for me. They have to do that right? It’s what happens in all the books. Boy kidnaps girl, girl escapes, boy gets everyone in household to look for her, catches her, punishes her, she falls in love, happily ever after. But this is my life not a book so I’ll do what the characters never do, I’ll do the opposite.

Standing up I walked over to the door and put my ear on it to try to hear something. Hearing nothing I turned and looked for an escape route or a weapon in the room, though finding nothing. The room was dark with no light on and you could only just make out the figures in the room. I ran my hand along the wall to find a bookshelf that wasn’t filled with books.

Why couldn’t my life work out the way I want it? Why does it have to be so hard? I looked at the roof and prayed that there was a way out when I saw the perfect plan. The air vent.

It worked for John Bender in the breakfast club, the orphans in Annie and Kim Possible so it should work for me. Plus there was no other way that I could think of.

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