Chapter 1

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It was a dark and stormy night. The rain heavily tapped at my window as I lay awake, staring, at my ceiling. The wind became angry. It threw mud on my window and it became dirty. It must be cleaned. I quickly ran butt-naked into my kitchen. I squatted down to open the cabinet under the sink and pulled out some Dawn dish washing liquid and some Bleach.
*Ding Dong*
Startled by the door bell i accidentally dropped the cleaning supplies. The bleach gushed out of it's container. Agitated I try to walk around the puddle of bleach to find a mop. My failed attempt resulted in me falling into the bleach.
*Ding Dong*
I pushed up off the ground and sped walked to the door.
"Who is it?"
I got no reply. Now irritated i ripped open the door. What i saw words could do no justice. A tall 6ft bald man, wearing a white shirt, with tan skin and a hoop earring in one ear. For a while we just stared in each others eyes. After our brief stare down he started to move forward. His icy blue eyes pierced through my soul. In a flash is hands roughly gripped my wrists. I tried to rip my arms away which caused his grip to tighten. He started to move me into the pitch black house. Only now did i realize that i was standing in front of this man in the NUDE. He proceeded to close the door while still gripping my hands. I watched as the light descended gradually as the dark slowly crept to take it's place. The man then pulled me into the kitchen. We both stood in an eerie silence staring at the puddle of bleach. In an instant I was pushed into the bleach face first. The burning sensation blinded all of my senses. I started to burst in to tears. Moaning out.
He picked up the dish liquid and forcefully opened my mouth. The man squirted the dish soap into my mouth. I started to choke on it as the slippery substance glided down my throat. I couldn't breathe. He then took the bleach bottle and emptied it into my mouth. He then released my jaw and aimed lower, my NECK. He gripped my neck and started to move it viciously back and forth. All of a sudden the room disappeared from view as blackness invaded my sight.

Oh Mr.cleanWhere stories live. Discover now