Chapter 1 - I See You

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"Here we go again" I muttered. I grabbed the radio, and sat down in the same spot that I have every single day for the past 2,199 days.

"Bellamy, can you hear me?"

"Why haven't you came down yet?"

"I still have hope."

It was the same things that I felt like I needed to repeat everyday... just in case anyone was listening. I had to have hope. Someone taught me that once, and I wasn't going to let that be the one that that has changed about me over the past 6 years. I wanted to remain the same, and having hope was helping me keep that.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Clarke looked up at the sky, almost simultaneously as she heard the boom. The sound was a ship entering Earth's atmosphere. A sound she had heard before in the past.

"Never mind - I see you."

Clarke stood up after she realized what had just happened. A ship. Coming straight towards her. He heart fluttered with excitement. Was it finally time for her to reunite with the people she has missed for so long? She immediately dropped the radio and ran for the rover. The rover was parked in the wood line. You could tell that she had been living in it, as there were supplies all over the trunk area. Along with supplies, a girl. Madi.

"Time to wake up my little knightblood."

Madi moaned. You could tell she was tired. "No lessons today", Madi spoke. As she did, she heard the noise and instantly knew due to Clarke's expression that this is something she should be excited about. Madi jumped out of the rover and ran towards the clearing.

"I thought you said their ship was small", Madi yelled out to Clarke. Clarke's expression instantly went to concern and she ran towards Madi to see what she was talking about. From there, Clarke realized that this wasn't her friends ship. This was something else. Something she feared.

"Madi, grab my riffle."

Madi ran to the rover to retrieve the riffle like Clarke said. Clarke's riffle was something special to her. During her 6 years of being alone, she had time to customize this riffle to her liking. This included a scope, and a strap with the names engraved with all of who she had lost while being on the ground.

Clarke grabbed the riffle from Madi and used the scope to look at the ship that was hovering above them.

"Madi, go back up the rover. Get it out of sight. Start unloading the guns"

"All of them?"

"All of them, Madi"

You could tell Madi was concerned, but she didn't ask questions. She immediately ran to the rover to do what she was told. Clarke continued to observe the ship. There were words painted on the side. Words like "PRISONER TRANSPORT" and "ELIGIUS CORPORATION". Clarke knew that this couldn't be good. She took off running towards the rover to be with Madi and they watched in awe as the ship landed right in front of them.

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