Chapter 38 - You Have A Deal

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Clarke's eyes began to flutter open. She could tell someone was standing over her, but couldn't tell who.

"Clarke. Honey, wake up."

It was her mom.

"Mom! Where's Bellamy? They're after me, I've got to go!" Clarke yelled as she tried to sit up. Abby grabbed her shoulders and pushed her back down to the forest ground. "Clarke, nobody is after you. Your fine. Bellamy brought you to me. We are at least a mile away from the prison ship."

Clarke began to look at her surroundings. She was in the middle of the woods in a temporary camp their people had set up. It reminded her of all the camps that Lexa had set up before the attack on Mount Weather. There were tents galore – but no people in sight.

"Where is everyone?" Clarke whispered.

"They're at the ship. Bellamy and Kane led the army into the ship to get the guards out and end this once and for all. They were planning on getting you out too, but it looks like you done the job for them. When you made it out of the ship, one of the prisoners shot you in the back. Bellamy caught you just before you hit the ground and brought you back here to me while others made their way in." Abby replied.

Clarke was trying to take in everything she was saying when she reached over her shoulder to feel her back. She felt the wound and winced in pain. Now that she remembered, it hurt. "Am I okay?" Clarke asked hesitantly.

"Your fine. I got the bullet out before it shifted down. It was hitting a nerve so that's why your legs gave out. You'll be sore for a few days, but it's nothing you haven't handled before."

Clarke nodded, then proceeded to try to stand.

"Where are you going?" Abby said.

"I'm going with Bellamy. My fight is not over. I need to help them."

"The hell you do. Clarke, you were shot. You're done. They have this under control. Besides, Madi needs you more."

Clarke's eyes widen. "You met her?" Clarke said with a smile.

"I did. Clarke, she reminds me so much of you when you were that age. I can't believe how well of a job you have done taking her in as your own. I'm so proud of you." Abby said as she hugged Clarke.

"Thanks, mom. Where is she?"

"She's back at the camp. Let's go there and wait with her for the others. I was going there anyways, but wanted to make sure you were okay before we moved you." Abby said as she began to pack her things into her pack.

Clarke nodded and walked over to the rover. The two of them loaded everything they needed and headed back home to be with Madi.


Kane and Bellamy were walking down each of the hallways in the ship, making sure they had accounted for everyone and everything. The army that Kane had brought back were instructed to find and restrain everyone in the ship and bring them out. The mission was relatively easy considering they were extremely out numbered with bodies and weapons.

Kane walked up to the control room to check everything out. Monty was on the computers checking their systems out. Although the guards were not the enemy, they wanted to know everything about them and what they had just in case. Kane walked in the room and found a man hiding under the desk and yanked him out by his collar. "Come on. Don't think we would leave you behind." Kane said with a smile as he guided the man out of the room. Bellamy and Monty finished up and followed him out. Outside of the ship, the army had all of the men lined up with hands tied behind their backs.

"Octavia!" Bellamy yelled. "Get the guards untied. They are the ones we came to rescue." Octavia nodded and passed the order along to her men.

Bellamy looked around the field to see all of the men. He finally pinpointed August and walked up to him.

"Not so big now, are you?" Bellamy said as he looked down to August. August looked up to him and smiled. "Don't worry Bellamy. Although you've got me today, in the end, I'll be the one getting Clarke."

Bellamy couldn't take it anymore. With one swift motion, he reared back and punched August directly in the bridge of his nose, causing him to fall down. Kane ran over to Bellamy to grab him and pull him back. "No, Bellamy!" Kane shouted. "Not like this. They will all be punished, especially him" Kane said as he looked to see August holding his nose. Bellamy shook Kane's hold off of him and walked away. He knew better than to stand there - because he knew he would kill him.

Kane watched Bellamy walk into the wood line and disappear. It was best to let him be alone right now to gather his thoughts. Kane located Theo and the other guards and walked over to greet them. Theo met Kane with a firm handshake. "Thank you sir. If it weren't for you and your people, me and my men would be dead." Theo said as he released his firm handshake. "No - thank you Theo. If it weren't for you, we would still be in that bunker. It looks like we're even now" Kane said with a smile. Theo nodded. 

"Where will you go?" Kane asked. 

"We aren't sure... we haven't really thought about it yet."

"Well, I've spoken with our commander. You and your men are welcome to join us. There is no need for you to be out wandering the world alone. We are Wonkrew. As for the prisoners, they will not be welcomed. We have plans for them... but the priority right now is establishing a safe home for all of us. As a proposition, we will let you and your men come join us in exchange for the ship. We would like to use it at our camp for shelter. It's large enough to hold at least half of our people. It will come in handy for the winter and storm weather." Kane said as he looked to Theo. Theo looked at Kane, then turned around to see the faces of his men. They all nodded to Theo - the vote was unanimous. Theo turned back to Kane and reached his hand out to find Kane's. "You have a deal."

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