Chapter 32 - Don't Worry

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Bellamy sat in his cell, shocked, at what he just heard. August's plan made him sick to his stomach. It wasn't himself that he was worried about. Dying was something he had come to expect. But the thought of someone touching Clarke - hurting her in that way would be something he could never forgive himself for letting happen. Bellamy yelled until his throat was raw. He wanted someone to come into his cell and acknowledge him. It had been a few minutes since he heard anything from Clarke's cell. His door finally flew open and a little girl came tumbling into the room from being thrown. It was Madi. Bellamy grabbed her with his free hand and brought her to him as quickly as he could. Madi wrapped her arms around Bellamy's torso and hid behind him. One of the guards, assuming the one that just threw Madi, closed the door and locked it.

Once Madi heard the door close, she began to cry, holding onto Bellamy as tight as she could. Bellamy's heart broke at the thought of someone hurting this innocent girl. She didn't do any wrong and yet she was brought into the middle of all of this. She didn't deserve any of it.

"Hey" Bellamy whispered. "Look at me."

Madi raised her head up and brought her body around to the front of Bellamy. Bellamy took his free hand  and wiped off Madi's face. She was covered in tears, dirt, and blood.

"Your okay.... it just some scratches" Bellamy whispered as he tried to smile. He wanted to comfort her... he knew she was scared. Bellamy suddenly felt a protective feeling over this girl - similar to the one he had shared all of these years for Octavia.

"They're going to hurt her" Madi said.

"Not if I can help it. I'm going to get her somehow. Don't worry, okay?"

Madi nodded. She knew she could trust Bellamy because Clarke told her so. Clarke told Madi a long time ago that Bellamy was her family and she could feel safe around him. 

Bellamy motioned for Madi to move beside him. Madi done so and rested her head on his shoulder as they waited for the next thing to happen. 

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