Chapter Ten

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After everything that happened with Beth I was not in the mood to be having this discussion about what to do about our prisoner. If Rick didn't have a plan on what to do with him, then why bring him back here? If he's just going to kill him, why didn't he leave him where he found him and let the walkers devour him?

I had times out alot of the debate because quite frankly,I wasn't interested. Randall was an outsider and couldn't be trusted but we don't kill people, we're human and if we kill, then we're not much better than the walkers.

"He's a threat, the only way to get rid of a threat is to kill it." Rick declared and I went to disagree but Dale beat me to it.

"You can't just decide on your own to take someone's life."He objected. "We can find another way." He pleaded. I knew he was the only one seeing sense right now, anyone else would agree with Rick to save themselves. There's other options not just death. We could drop him off somewhere and leave him there to fend for himself and if he dies, then it's not our problem.

Despite everything going on with Randall, there were other problems that needed tending to but everyone else was so busy they didn't notice it. I smiled at Carl as I made my way closer to him over by Sophia's grave.

As I approached him, I saw Carol closing in on him so I stayed back for a while but I was close enough to hear what was being said. I didn't want to be listening in but a part of me couldn't help it.

"We'll see Sophia in heaven." She told him standing over the grave staring down at the dug up spot.

"Heaven is just another lie, and if you believe that, You're an idiot." He snapped back and Carol backed away in shock. I was shocked that he had snapped like that. It was Carols daughter that was buried and Carl had only known her for a little while. But I guess kids are more sensitive when they lose someone they used to know or see them die in front of you.

"Hey, that wasn't a very nice thing you said to Carol. Sophia was her daughter." I scolded lightly, I wasn't his mother so I had no right to tell him off but he needed to be told that it was wrong. It doesn't matter what world you live in, manners still don't cost anything.

"I know, I'm sorry. I'll apologise to her it just upset me. Sophia was the only one here my age, the only one I could really play with. I didn't mean to upset Carol but Sophia was my friend and I thought she was okay, I thought that when I woke up from being shot that she would be here and she'd be safe." He explained and I sighed bending down so I was at eye level with him.

"I know how you feel Carl but we're all upset that she's gone. Carol is her Mother, she's going to be even more upset. You've got to be able to grieve with others that lost her. Carol is your best bet." I told him and he sighed at me.

"I'll go talk to her." He told me and I nodded as I watched him walk away.

"Lexi!" Hershel yelled to me and motioned for me to go into the house. I jogged to catch up to him.

"Yeah?" I asked him.

"I need some help with a checkup for Beth, could you help me?" He asked and I nodded.

"Sure." I headed inside Beth's room with Hershel and held everything Hershel would need to check Beth's progress. I had been on the farm for a while and Hershel was teaching me the basics on medical knowledge. I was slowly learning and Hershel got me to help when ever he could. I didn't help with Carl when he got shot because it was too advanced and serious for me to be able to handle.

As we were both coming out of Beth's room, we run into Glenn in the living room. "Oh, I was just coming to see how she was doing." He said sheepishly,it was clear that Hershel had a problem with Maggie and Glenn when they first arrived on the farm.

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