two. |t.

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school dragged on, and it seemed as if all of my previous friends just... left. i guess i was too focused on this new kid to even acknowledge my best friend, avia.

but yet, he seemed to not acknowledge my existence. i couldn't understand why i was so obsessed with his character. i've never been this attached to a guy, or anything for that matter, before. what makes it worse is that i've only known him for about 3 weeks.

i shook my head, my messy curls slightly bouncing, and continued making my way to class. a few people that i barely know the names of waved
at me, and i returned a polite smile for each one.

feeling the glares practically radiating off of avia and josh, both on either sides of the room, i awkwardly placed myself into a desk close to the middle of the physics class and sighed.

"hey." a broad-shouldered boy leaned over against my seat and i looked over at him. "the name's patrick, but i like tate better."


"violet. nice to meet you." i grinned, shaking his hand. "i've never seen you around here; new kid?"

i imagined him being tired from moving, and the dark bags under his eyes and messy, unkept hair further proved my point. his sharp jawline and dark, almost black, eyes held a mysterious shimmer to his persona, and the peculiar mask that seemed plaster to his bony face was quite confusing to piece together.

i always go deep into thought about each and every face i see. from the freckles dotted along their button nose like stars, to the jagged lines of the smile wrinkles carved into their cheeks. it's what made each person their own; everyone was perfect in beautiful, different ways. this characteristic that had probably been passed down generations upon generations was most likely the reason why i was so attracted to josh (and now another new kid named patrick) because of their interesting, and highly confusing, attributes.

"yeah. transferred all the way from california."

"oh wow, long way, huh?" my eyes widened and he nodded furiously as the teacher came in and sat at his desk.

i smiled and eyed the new blonde boy as the elder professor began his first lesson of the day.


"boo." i jumped as patrick's hot breath fell against my neck. "hi."

"hello, patrick. nice seeing you again." smiling, i grabbed my tray off of the counter and walked towards an empty café table, him following quickly behind me.

"call me tate?" he laughed, and i rolled my eyes as i spotted avia.

i ignored his comment and gasped inaudibly. "i'd like you to meet someone, t."

"t? no one's ever called me that before.." he looked at me with
a puzzled expression and i grinned at him.

"well, i guess i'm the first. c'mon."

as soon as avia set her eyes on me, a cool shiver tickled my spine, but i smirked and walked towards her,
our eyes still locked.

"hey, av."

"violet." she greeted cautiously, not daring to look up at me as i sat down beside her.

"i want you to meet somebody." i nodded over to tate, who was awkwardly standing beside me, and motioned for him to sit down next to avia.

"i'm avia, and you are?" she clearly was confused by the situation as a wide smirk spread itself across tate's sore lips.

"patrick. tate, preferably. violet calls me t." he sent a wink my way, and i rolled my eyes at his attempt to flirt.

avia blushed, must've been thinking that the wink was for her. a grin replaced the small frown on my face, quickly racking my brain for ideas to get them together.

this should be fun..

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