It bit HARD into my neck. I could feel the sharp teeth injecting my neck!
I stopped screaming now! For I could no longer scream!
Blood Filled my mouth and I couldn't breathe!
I had never liked the feeling of not breathing!I
Seconds later I found myself at the heart of the ocean... AGAIN!
Had I died?
I must have!
But the thought of sinking, and not breathing!...
I did not want to have to go through that again!
So this time I wasn't afraid!
And I let go
I breathed
I could feel the ice cold water filing my lungs!
I hurt, A lot
I stayed there in the darkness of the water
Waiting for me to appear back on the shore
I waited, and waited, becoming deep in a pain that I had never felt
I closed my eyes in hope of returning home, but when I opened them I was still sinking
Struggling to free myself of this pain I screamed!
But all I could hear of myself was a faint muffle
The water had completely filled my lungs now, and the weight made me sink faster
I sank In the darkness, begging for it all to be over
I slowly shut my eyes and became unconscious
This was the end
Why had not worked?
I wanted to be back
But it was all over now