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The dictionary says despair is "the complete loss or absence of hope" I thought to myself if that's where I was now. Have I lost all hope in humanity?  I layed awake next to Greyson, and stared out the window into the darkness of night. I slowly slipped out of the bed then walked over to the door to the patio. Leaning against the railing on the terrace I debated life.

    The door opened then closed, I turned back to see who it was. It was Greyson, he was holding something behind his back. I quickly wiped away my tears and questioned, "What are you holding?"

    He smirked and shrugged, "I was going to give him to you tomorrow." He revealed the little puppy from earlier I grinned happily gasping he continued, "But I think you could you him now." I walked over to him taking the puppy from his arms. I cradled puppy holding it tightly. "What do you want to call him?"

    I looked up at Greyson and kissed his cheek. I answered, "Fritz."

    He grinned licking his lower lip sexily, "I think it fits him well."

    I walked back inside, "Can Fritz sleep on the bed?"

    Greyson's facial expression changed and he shook his head, "I think it would be better to keep him in his crate before we let him on the bed."

    I nodded. "Okie." I sat down on one of the chairs and set Fritz on my lap. Stroking his softball sized head I noticed Greyson was staring at me. I looked up at him and asked putting my hair behind my ear, "What?"

    "You're just really beautiful."

    I blushed and looked back at Fritz. "Thank you."

    He smirked, "I knew you needed something and when you saw Fritz you looked super happy."

    I smiled chuckling, "He can be our little baby."

    "Yeah he can." He chuckled along with me. He bent down placed a hand along my jaw and kissed me with passion.

    I kissed him back then pulled back to stand up and set Fritz on the hair. I turned back around to continue the kiss. He pulled me up and walked us to the bed. He left warm kisses along my neck, soon we fell asleep together.

    Greyson was the type of person who people judge without much thought. I count as one of those people. He has two sides, the dark and the light. The dark being the gang. The light being me and his family. I bring out the best side of him and that made me happy.


The next morning I sat up and watched Fritz sleep in his crate. Along with Fritz, Greyson bought all these cute little dog things. He has two crates one downstairs and one in the bedroom. The one down stairs is brown and made of wood, the one in the bedroom is white and made of wood as well. He has a bed in both of the crates and a bed in the room; the beds are all fluffy. Last night I told him that Greyson should have gotten him a pampered pooch bed. He gave me a look and said, "I am not giving my dog a 'pampered pooch bed'." I just laughed. Turning back to Greyson I poked him on his chest willing him to wake up.

Greyson muttered while swatting at my head, "Baby..." He opened one eye squinting with a smirk.

"Good morning." I  laid back down and curled up next to him. I laid a hand on his chest and my head on his arm which wrapped around me.

"Mmmm." He turned his head to peck me with a kiss, "I'm so glad that you woke me up." He was being sarcastic but I didn't care.

I looked at him and grinned, he look down at me smirking. I quickly got out of the bed, "Where are you going?" He complained as he closed his eyes once more.

I shrugged and walked over to sleeping Fritz. I bent down and unlocked the crate then scooped him in my arms. I walked back over to Grayson's side of the bed, and placed the pupparoo on his stomach. The puppy walked up to his face and began sniffing it. I could see Greyson smiling but he was trying to hard to conceal it. He pushed Fritz away from his face then sat up, I blushed as he did so. The blanket had covered most of his chest but now his lovely ripples caught my eyes. I diverted my eyes back to Fritz; Greyson chuckled knowing all too well what he was doing to me.

I turned away to get dressed. I walked into the closet and decided on a cute shirt with ripped jeans. Next, I made my way into the bathroom to get my makeup game on and my hair brushed. Once I walked out and down the stairs I found the boys together in the kitchen watching Fritz chew on a bone. I grinned and interrupted them, "Good Morning boys." I picked up my little baby and they all watched and responded the same thing back to me.

Wesley turned to Greyson, "The girls are back by the way, and are coming by soon"

I turned the Greyson and smiled energetically, "Wait! There are girls?"

"Okay, that hurt." Aiden pointed out.
    I turned to Aiden, "Sorry, love ya!"

Then I turned back to Greyson who nodded his head, "Didn't I tell you that?"

"No!" I voiced.

"Pretty sure I did, but anyway they don't stay in this mansion."

"This mansion?" I asked.

"There is this mansion, which is Greyson's mansion, and we all live here. There is the girls mansion, the boys mansion, beach house, mountain house." Brantley cleared.

"Do any girls stay here?"

They all shook their heads 'no' but Ezra pointed out, "You're the only girl to ever stay here. That's not a..." I think he realized what he was saying and then decided to just stop. Wait. I was the only girl to stay here?

I looked at Greyson and he nodded, "Cause your special, baby."

I blushed and looked down at Fritz.

"What did you name him?" Brantley questioned.

I answered, "Fritz."

"Why?" Wesley added.

"Because I like reading, and F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote the Great Gatsby. Which is one of my favorite books, so I decided Fitz for short." I smiled at my great answer. Apparently it wasn't as 'great' as I thought it was because all the boys gave looks and then just nodded.

The doorbell sounded and we all went to the door, "That should be the girls." Aiden noted.

Brantley opened the door to seven girls who looked really confused to see me standing there. With the boys, and holding a puppy. Not to mention Greyson's arm was around my waist. They kinda just stared then one of them broke the silence, "We're gone for a month and Greyson gets a girl. Ezra is in crutches, and you get a puppy. And somebody told me I wasn't allowed to get a puppy." The girl kind of glared at me and Greyson.

"Shut up Cathrine." Greyson and Wesley said in unison while rolling their eyes.

In return she rolled hers, "Whatever."

So the redhead was Cathrine, that left six more unnamed girls. We all walked into the living room and sat down. Greyson remained standing and I was at the end with Brantley to the side of me. "Girls, this is Rowan." I smiled as they looked at me, "My girlfriend." I kinda gasped on the last word. Brantley whacked my leg lightly, I hadn't noticed I was holding my breath.

I slowly let out an awkward, "Hi..." Most of the girls smiled other than Cathrine who seemed to have hated me already for no reason.

"Rowan this is: Cathrine," Greyson motioned to the red head. "Harper, Claire, Spencer, Grace, Aria, and Amber. These are the girls."

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