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A few days later we visited Grayson's family to share the news that later in the year I would bare a child. We sat around a table like we had with my family although when we told them there was a chorus of cheers and congratulations. He was right, his family was happy for us. I was so happy to have his family by our side.


  Greyson and I walked hand in hand as a tall beautiful african american woman led us into a small room. She sat down next to a computer while Greyson stood and I sat down on the examining table. I motioned for him to sit and uttered an "oh" before sitting. I chuckled to myself, maybe he was more nervous than me. I'm pretty darn worried so it would be hard to beat. My hands are shaking, my legs feel week, and my stomach feels queasy; not to mention all the morning sickness symptoms layer on to create a huge messy cake. The lady smiled, "Can you confirm your name and date of birth please?"

    I answered confidently and Greyson gave me a smirk as he ran his fingers through his hair, "Rowan Kathleen Marshall. February 8, 1995."

"Alrighty, do you know how many weeks since you conceived?"

I gave her a smiled and stated, "Eight." Then I contradicted myself, "Seven and a  half maybe?"

The lady chuckled shaking her head while typing, "An estimate is good." She looked at Greyson, "And you're the father I presume?"

He nodded, "Yes ma'am."

"Married?" She asked.

We both shook our heads no, "Boyfriend." He answered.

She laughed, finished typing something then stood up, "Dr. Henderson will be with you shortly." She exited the cramped room. 

I turned to Greyson, "Yay! This is happening!"

He smiled then reached across the space between the observing table and his sit to set his hand on my knee, "I'm so happy babe." I grinned blushing. He continued, "Guess what."

I cocked my head, "What?"

"We are going on vacation!" He smiled.

"Really!" I squealed, "It's been so long since I went on vacation. Where are we going?"

"British Virgin Islands. Aiden is going too but he won't be in the same suite as us."

I grinned again and a knock sounded at the door and was followed by the click of the door knob. "Hi, I'm Dr.Henderson." A mid aged woman stood before us then shook our hands before sitting down.

"Hi." Greyson and I responded.

Dr.Henderson smiled and clasped her hands, "First thing's first, your health record looks fine. Anything change physically or mentally?"

I paused for a moment and a feeling of uncomfortability and awkwardness filled me. Do I have to tell her I was raped? I don't think I do. I thought for a moment longer and Greyson squeezed my hand slightly, "No, not that I can think of."

"We are just going to run a few tests on you." She smiled, "A lady will come in and take your blood soon." She exited, and soon enough a lady came by and drew blood. Getting blood drawn has never really bothered me, I don't enjoy it but I'm not afraid. Dr.Henderson came in once more after the lady left with our blood. "So what do you plan with this child?"

I looked at Greyson confused then back at the doctor, " We are going to raise the baby?"

She nodded, the doctor's visit went on a little bit longer and finally we were able to leave. I couldn't wait for my vacation! So, I questioned Greyson, "When are we leaving?"

"Two days." He responded steering the Jeep.

I frowned, so little time to pack. This is going to be super fun though! Alone time with the man who is fathering my unborn child. Our child. Ugh! I just can't contain how happy I am! I walk over to Greyson and put my arms around the back of his neck and he rests his hands on my still tiny waist. A smile plastered on my face I raised on my tippy toes to kiss him. I spoke onto his lips, "I love you." He smirked, one half of his lip raising higher than the other.

"Oh" He turned me around and backed me against the kitchen wall lightly, "I love you so much." He put a calloused hand on my stomach and the other on my jaw his thumb slowly stroking my cheek. I leaned my head into his hand with a sigh. He brought my chin up to meet his lips and he paused the kiss, "And I love our child." He kissed me again his hand on my stomach going lower to my thigh. He drew little circles on my thigh and passionately kissed my lips once more before Aiden, Brantley, and Easton walked in.

Aiden cringed a bit and froze right as they all walked into the kitchen. "Okay, I love that you all love each other. But, do be mindful of others before you shove your tongues down each others throats."

A hand left my thigh as I stifled a laugh. Without looking he held up a finger, meaning one moment before he kissed my smiling lips. I peeked my head out from behind Greyson and smiled with a small wave. "I'm pregnant."

Aiden and Brantley's mouths dropped and Easton shrugged and said, "I know."

While the other two said in perfect unison, "Your what?!"

Greyson turned around and repeated, "We are having a baby." He grinned and tightened his grip on my waist pulling me closer to his hip.

Brantley said frowning, "Why didn't you tell us?"

My smile softened a bit, "We wanted it to be a surprise."

"Well, it was a surprise." Brantley confirmed.

Aiden motioned a hand in Brantleys direction saying he agreed. "But, how do you expect us you protect you and your child when you don't trust us with that vital information?"

My brows furrowed. "Aiden we do trust you. I trust all of you, with me and my child's life." I was frowning now.

"Exactly, you trust us with your lives. But we cannot protect you to our fullest without knowing everything."

"Me being pregnant doesn't change anything."

"You being pregnant changes everything." Brantley answered for his friend. "We are all happy for you both." He walked around the island and opened the fridge to grab one of the protein shakes, before walking away to contemplate on what had just happened he glanced at me once more his eyes trailing to my stomach.

Not long after, this time Aiden and Wesley walked in. Explaining and coming up with ways to up our security with Greyson. Easton had returned to his girlfriend.

"We can install a panic room, up the guards at the gate." Wesley paused, "And also Aiden, Harper, Aria, and Ezra are now all coming to the Islands with you and Rowan."

"This is so uncalled for." I muttered rolling my eyes and sinking into my chair.

Greyson looked over at me and frowned, "It is called for when it comes to you, and our child's safety." I looked at him. I wanted to roll my eyes and yell at him but I couldn't so I just nodded.

"Fill me in later." I stalked off up the stairs and into my bathroom to fill a glass of water. I stared at myself in the mirror and told the bad thoughts to go away as a sipped the water. Then set it on the counter before laying on the bed to take a nap. Fritz curled up next to me only to soon fall asleep too.

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