4. THE DREAM (Official Story)

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Nick, don't do this...

Fight it!



Nick Wilde groaned as his head slowly turned from side to side, glancing at his surroundings. Was he in...the hospital? But why? He wasn't the injured one. Judy was.

It was all a blur. He remembered trying to help Judy escape from Bellwether in the museum after she cut her leg. Then, he remembered being knocked down into a pit. After that, nothing. For the life of him, he couldn't remember what went on after that.

Now he was here, and Judy...

Speaking of which, where was that bunny? Perhaps she was in her own room, and her leg was being tended to. Good. If that were the case, then he should be happy. It was a pretty deep cut, so the sooner she was able to get it tended to, the better.

Just then, a gentle knock was heard on the door. Nick slowly rose, hoping it would be the rabbit he had come to care so much for. The hopeful smile on his face fell when he realized that it wasn't her, but it was another prey. It was Mrs. Otterton.

The female otter gazed up at Nick as she slowly approached the bedside. She ignored his confused expression as she climbed up a step stool and sat beside him, laying a paw on his arm. "I'm glad to see you're better, Nicholas."

"Uh, yeah. Though, I don't remember being sick," Nick replied with a slight chuckle. He cringed at the intense stare she was giving him. It was like she was trying to stare into his soul. It was creepy.

"I just...I just wanted to thank you for helping find my Emmitt. Without you, he would still be..." She squeezed her eyes shut, pushing away any thoughts of the state her husband was once in. The memories were too painful for her to bear.

Nick smiled softly, gently laying one of his larger paws on top of hers. "What matters is that he's fine now. Your kids got their daddy back. But I can't take all the credit. I couldn't have done this without Carrots. She's the true hero." The fox glanced at the door. "Speaking of Carrots, have you checked up on her? Is she okay?"

Mrs. Otterton gulped. Her eyes moistened as she gave him another intense stare. The otter's mouth opened but quickly closed. She couldn't find the words she wanted to say. Before she could speak, another animal entered the room.

"Mr. Wilde."

"C-Chief Bogo?" Nick tilted his head. Why would he of all animals be here to see him?

"Mrs. Otterton, I would like to speak to Mr. Wilde alone, if you please."

"O-Oh yes!" The otter smiled sheepishly as she quickly climbed down the step stool. Before she could exit out the door, Mrs. Otterton turned to Nick. Her smile sank into a frown. She squeezed her eyes shut as she turned, then exited. As she left, Nick couldn't help thinking she muttered something.

Once the otter was gone, Chief Bogo gently closed the door. The cape buffalo took a seat at the end of Nick's bed and released a heavy sigh. "First order of business. When we arrived at the scene after Miss Bellwether contacted us, one of my fellow officers discovered the gun full of Night Howler, and we were able to make an arrest. Miss Bellwether is now behind bars, and thanks to you, we were able to find an antidote for those such as yourself who were infected by the plant."

"Infected?" Nick's eyes widened upon realization. "I-I was shot?"

Chief Bogo sighed, hanging his head. "Yes, but there is, unfortunately, more to this. When you were shot, you..." The Chief gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. Just like with Mrs. Otterton, he couldn't find the words to say.

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