5. Just Another Day (Official Story)

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Nick: Hey, Carrots!
Ya up for the weekend?

Nick: Where's my sweet little carrot?

Nick: Hello, Bunny-Buns?
Ok that sounded weird....
that wasn't me,
it was Fennick! I swear!

Nick: Judy?


Unknown #:
Uh....I think you have
the wrong number bub.

Nick: Oh....ok. I was
wondering where she went.  

Unknown #:
By the way, if you happen
to come across TMAG

Nick: Wah! You serious?

Nick: Dude?

Unknown #:
Number is 000-0197-888.
Call me asa-

Nick: Dude!


That was nuts. Just nuts. Even for Nick to see through. He left his place as soon as possible, and arrived at Z's.

Z looked shocked as he heard a knock at the door. He opened the door to see Nick on his regular old clothes and with his phone ready to show Z.

"Z! I need your help!" Nick asked as he showed Z his phone.

"Whoa.....Whoa....Whoa. Hold on, what is it this time?" Z looked at Nick with a sarcastic eye.

"Someone texted me and told me to find TMAG." Nick said as Z looked at Nick's phone.

     "What's Hmm suppose to mean?" Nick said as Z looked at Nick, studying him.

"I feel as if it's a prank. Look at the text and tell me if you see anything strange." Z told Nick and as he looked above the phone number contact name."

It has said:

                    "ITS ME, FOOLED YA NICK!" - NP.

"Looks like you've been fooled..." Z pleasantly said as Nick, annoyed as who that was, walked away into the kitchen and grabbed some fries from In N Out.

"Hand me the remote, Z". Nick said as he slowly sat on the couch in Z's living room.

"Sure." Z handed Nick the remote as he turned to Z.

"It's just another day........"

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