The last time we're ever going to see each other.

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                                                                         Dahvie's POV

She hates me! Well, I hate me to. I fucked the girl she hates to death. How could I have been so stupid. At least I saw my baby before I could never see him ever again. I called a cab to get back home, same way I got here in the first place. I get home, pay the guy, and run straight for my room. Jayy's in there, packing all Molli's stuff and I run past him, to the bathroom, and lock the door.

I pull out my razor and look up at the roof. I slit my wrist and watched the blood seep onto the floor.

"I know you're cutting yourself" Jayy said outside the door. "But you're the one who screwed everything up. And if I were you I would be blamming myself. You put that poor girl through everything you put the others through. Minus the pregnancy, engagement, and all the gifts. You done goofed Dahvie. You done fucking goofed." And that was all I heard from him. After a half an hour of cutting and crying, I finally got up and saw nothing left of the girl I'm in love with.I sit down and sing lovestruck. I finished and words just started pouring out of my mouth.

"I never meant for this to happen.

I only meant for her to be my one and only.

I just wish I could take back,

all my stupid mistakes.

She was the light.

But never the dark.

She was the one,

That lit up my heart.

And now I'm sitting here,

Wondering why.

My heart feels so empty.

There's a gray sky.

Now it's ovvvverrrrr.

And I'm so dumb.

Now it's ovvvverrrrr.

And I'm the one who lost.

She was the one,

Who I want to stay.

But I screwed up.

And now she got away.

If only I had my head straight.

I wouldn't be begging.

If only I got the clue.

That she needed meeeee.

But now it's ovvvvverrrrrrr.

And I'm so dumb.

Now it's ovvvvverrrrrr.

And I'm the one who lost.

She was the one.

Who I wanted to stay.

But I screwed up.

And now she got away.

Now it's ovvvverrrrr.

And I'm so dumb.

Now it's ovvvverrrr.

And I'm the one who lost.

And I'm the one who loooooooossssssttttt.

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