❀ Chapter Two. ❀

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✞Ella's POV ✞

After two hours of Harry driving he finally pulls into a street, the houses are pretty big and really nice, but it was pretty obvious to me that he was going to be living in a big house.

Harry pulls into a drive way and i look up at the house. Yep it's pretty big.

"Wow it's so shocking you live in a big house," i say acting exsited, i take off my seat belt and i go to get out of the car

"Izzie" he yells, grabbing my arm. I turn my head, looking at him with pure hatred.

"I fucking told you to never call me that again" i scream at him pulling my arm out of his grip and getting some of my stuff out of his shitty car.

I walk to the front door and i open it with my free hand.

"Were the fuck is my room" i snap at Harry as soon as he walks through the door with my stuff and he just starts to walk up the stairs.

I see four boys walking out of a room thats pink. Well i'm assuming thats my room, they fucking painted it pink cause i'm a girl. I would rather have it a neon orange or a lime green but no they have to fucking paint it pink.

All of them look at me with wide eyes as i follow Harry into my new room.

I put the boxes down and i walk back out side to get my stuff.

as i'm walking out i hear the boys talking.

"Hazz you're sister is hot, i mean hotter than Gemma" i smirk to my self.

"Thanks to who ever said that, but i have a boyfriend " i yell laughing as i get to the door i walk to the car getting the last two boxes.

I take them out of the car and i start to make my way towards the front door, as soon as i get inside, i hear the boys whispering.

i walk up the stairs and into my room setting the boxes down.

"Not for to long" i hear Harry say, i make my way out of my shitty room and over to him.

"what are you talking about?" i say looking at him straight in the eyes.

"You're not going to have a boyfriend for to long" he says crossing his arms.

"Why's that Harold" i snap at him saying the name that annoys the hell out of him

"Don't fucking call me that Izzie, and because he's going to brake up with you, and i know that cause he's not going to stay with you, you're two hours away from him and you're a pain in the arse" he says

"I fucking told you never to call me Izzie that's not my fucking name my name is Ella, and you don't know Drew cause he'll do anything for me and he's going to be in my life no matter what you pathedic ass whole" i yell and slap him right on the cheek as hard as i can his face turns to the side from the inpact of the slap.

"Also now i know why Jen killed herself! Cause you fucking must have done that to her!" i scream at him again

He turns his head back to look at me and his eyes are now a drark green not the usal light green,

"You pathedic little fucking slut" he yells and grabs my hand that i slaped him with. He sqeezes my hand as hard as he can and i cry out in pain.

"Help" i scream to the boys and i bite my bottom lip getting tears in my eyes as i feel his hand crushing the bones in my hand.

"Mate stop you're hurting her", the one with light brown hair and brown eyes says trying to stop Harry but he sqeezes my hand harder making me scream

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