❀ Chapter Three. ❀

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°Drew's POV°

I look over at my phone to see a new message from Ella.

I slide my finger across the message to see the message.

From: Ella.

Already found someone who makes me so much better. ( Picture attached)

I press the picture to see Ella grinding on some guy who has his hands all over her.

"Fucking bitch" I mumble to see my brother looking over at me and I just shake my head.

I get up off of the couch and it make my way to the front door. I open the door closing it behind me, i take my keys out of my pocket, inserting it in the key hole of my red corvette door opening it.

I get I'm my corvette, closing the door, putting my seatbelt on and putting the keys in the key hole turning it and putting it in reverse.

I back put of my drive way, putting the gear shift in drive I start to drive down my street with the windows down.

I drive until I see a familiar street and when I do I park at the curb getting out of the car and pressing the lock button on the keys.

I walk to the door of the house ringing the door bell and waiting for someone to answer.

When the person answers the door I see the blond headed girl I was just looking for.

"Hey Anna, are you home alone?" I ask her looking into her blue green eyes.

"Yeah. Um why Drew?" She says confused and a smirk is brought to my face.

"You know me and Ella are done, like we're history, and I know you've liked me since ninth grade" I say looking into her eyes, I put my hands on her cheeks making her look into my eyes and I slowly kiss her.

I push her back a little and she starts to walk back wards while I walk forwards and I close the door with my foot. I put my hands on her ass making her gasp and my tongue explores her mouth.

"Jump" I mumble against her lips, when she does I grab the back of her thighs making her wrap her legs around my back.

I walk to the couch taking off her shirt and our lips never part for longer then three seconds.

°Ella's POV°

I'm woken up buy an annoying person shaking me.

"Ella babe, you can't sleep in all day" the deep voice says,

"yes I can." I say grabbing the pillow beside me and hitting it off of the person.

"Alright love, I was being nice but if you don't get out of this bed in three seconds then I will flip it." He says and I laugh, yeah right.

"I'm not falling for that." I say putting a pillow on my face.

"Alright you asked for it" he says and I start to feel the bed starting to move from under me.

"Alright I'm up!!" I say getting put of my bed as fast as possible.

"Alright now let's go get something to eat" Liam says and I look up at him.

"Is Harold there" I say in disgust of my stupid brother.

"No he went out to get milk Ella." he says smirking, I get up out of bed racing down stairs to the kitchen, when I get in the kitchen I'm greatest by three boys standing In front of me and Liam walks into the kitchen.

"Hey" I say grabbing the plate of bacon and ham.

"Ella come sit" Louis says as they all are sitting at the table.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2014 ⏰

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