❀ Chapter one. ❀

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Ella's POV

"But mum i don't want to go live with him for a month!" I yell from the other side of the room,

"no Izzie you are going thats the end of discution!" she says calmly.

How dare her call me Izzie she knows i changed my name for a fucking reason so she disides to call me it. I'm tired of people calling me that shitty name i changed it! My name is Ella not Izzie.

"My fucking name is Ella, never ever call me Izzie again." i scream at her and make my way back up to my bed room

Well just to inform you on what just happen my mum is trying to send me off to go live with my brother. I bet you're asking what my problem is with it and it's that my brother is Harry Styles. Yep the one from one direction and the one that left me and my sister Gemma all alone with no goodbye!

He only said bye to my fucking mother!!! But you know his sisters mean nothing to him.

Gemma ended up forgiving him and trying to contact him when she went for collage. He has been trying to contact me for the past month every morning texting me telling me that i need to forgive him and everything, but i'm not i don't forgive people who don't care for me.

I mean if he really cared he would have texted me atleast a week later or something!! But no nothing at all so you know what i got into all the bad stuff in school. Not that bad just i started to smoke and i started going to partys allot.

I dress the way i want to, no one can tell me what to do, i skip school allot, i'm one of the popular girls in school and yes i am dating someone.

Hes a soccer player, his name is Drew and he's one of the hottest guys in this school. I have two bestfriends named Anna and Lucy.

I am the yongest chiled in my family i'm only a year younger than Harry, so i'm 17 years old, turning 18 in one month, i'm in grade 12. I have long light brown hair and blue green eyes, i'm not tall but i'm also not short, i am a pretty curvy girl, i have a flat stomach but thats only cause i play soccer and volley ball.

My whole school knows that me and my friends smoke weed and everything but we don't honestly care at all.

My mum and my sister Gemma think that know i do drugs too. Thats another reason why my mother is sending me off to live with that ass whole. I've told them a million times that i don't want to go.

I honestly feel like running away, she told me to go pack my bags cause in a few days i'll be away from my friends and most of all my boyfriend.

I hear a buzzing comming from my night stand, I roll over on my bed and i take my phone off on the night stand looking at who it is calling me.

I pick up my cell phone as i get a call from a un known number

"Hello?" i say into the phone

"Ella listen to me you have to forgive me, i was leaving and i just forgot i'm so-" Harry says but i cut him off

"Harry stop calling, i don't want to talk to you, you're not like my brother anymore! you're more like a annoying person that I hate! Alright? I'm done with this okay! Honestly if you cared you wouldn't have forgot, by the way i have someone else who's a way better brother figure then you!" I scream into the line and i hang up

I put my phone down on my bed and i start to hear it buzz making the sound of a text message. I pick it up and i read the contact. It's from Drew!! I un lock my phone and i go to read the text.

From: Drew

Get you're ass out side babe!! Were going to Jake's, Anna, Lucy and Josh are waitting in the car for you so get the fuck out here now!!

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