My Dream pt3

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It has been a while since i last wrote a part of my story in a long life of misery and fun all at the same time , anyway after graduating from Hs in 93 in Quezon City i went from doing short time jobs packing and loading export stuffs in an 18 wheeler container truck then after i was layout i tried looking for a simple work around franchises like Jollibee , McDonalds and even Aristocrat just to have that extra income and for the main purpose of not to waste even a few days of my life doing nothing . Nothing else is falling into place for me in Pampanga so i decided to go back in Manila see some known friends and colleagues to ask if they somehow know a place to look for a job and as days pass by and as i wait me and some of my buddies hang out on some parties enjoying ourselves with music and all ( Mobile Stuff ) , we get to accept deals from random people who are having a party like Birthdays / Debut / Reunions / P.A/ Meetings and specially Campus Fairs . Year had passed and yes it is 1994 finally the bouncing around thing is over and i got this great news from Mama that i can go join them in Tokyo for good , documents and processing of all those needed stuffs for me to get a visa is so overwhelming and stressful , it is not that i am a fugitive or something but at the time it was really so hard to be cleared by the Japanese Embassy and get a visa in the process . So there i was doing personal appearances and all then it all turns out fine at the end thank god , now there goes my plane ticket and my scheduled flight right ! I am so nervous and excited at the same time you know . Then came October 31st around past 4 am i go get prepared after a few chat with my BFF and close buddies and head straight to the airport , it was a short ride though less than 6hrs the most and boom i am there , got picked up by my Brother my Mother my Stepdad and i am never so happy in my entire life and you can see it in my face as i gave them all a warm hug and i got welcomed in return . So there i was figuring out how life works in Japan because i still as you can say a rookie because i just arrived right , but a few days more and i am starting to feel bothered to what i see and specially considering how it felt cause as far as i am concern the view from the Rp is nothing compare to what it was like in reality you know , before i imagine being in Japan is so simple and less challenging but i was so wrong because it was nothing like as i expected it to be. So .....i started to move on and tell myself well there is no turning back now huh! So i looked for a job got 1 and from there i improvised how to deal with life the Japanese way and i shit you not it was not a walk in the park . First job i got was as a waiter in a club then git to cleaning an apartment to club waiter again then to Apple IBM staff working in the compo department , then after that tried construction worker then again a bit lost for quite a while and finally got another regular work as waiter again in sobudai mae this time then from there i transfered to another club called maganda then lucky hands all my superiors can speak a bit of tagalog and i liked it . A few years then we turn our club to a disco joint and got to dj snd olay some tunes there as well , after that i went to another club called sey chelles stayed for 8 yrs then transfered to rumors club an international one which were the ladies are from different part of the world like russia , romania , rp , malaysia , thailand . I only stayed for a year and a half then went for a part time job on a yakiniku house for a few months then retired cause it was too fa for me to travel everyday from Machida to Yokohama , then at long last i found this Costco then applied and got picked first as a pt the. After 6 months i applied for the full time position and thing's got better from there and till this day i am recently working as merch full time staff for 12 yrs now . -Till next part

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