Main Phir Bhi Tumko Chahoongi

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Hi guys this our last entry.
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Finalists will be declared at 2:00 pm. Today only.
************************************She sat quietly, hunched over her drink, in a dark corner. Music pounded around her, and the students swayed, to the beat, waiting eagerly to welcome a new year. Energy hung heavily in air, almost contagious to anyone who breathed the same.
It didn't matter to her, her mind was swirling in thoughts else where. It was a place she didn't want to be in, but even if she wanted to leave, she couldn't pull herself out of those thoughts.
One sided love was like a drug. In spite of knowing that it's path is filled with uncertainties, and pain, we still strive to walk through it. Because in the end, no matter what, the heart wants what it wants.
Anika, never thought, even in her wildest dreams that she would be enduring something like this. Her life was a normal, boring until she was called on a scholarship to this collage.
The first day of her college days were a blur of heavy schedules and dreading due dates for projects. But what was more tiring was the bullying that never seemed to cease. Pretty soon she became a favorite for the bullies. Being a shy and quiet girl, only made her an easy target.
She did not dare raise her voice, even when she found herself sagged against a washroom wall, stifling her tears, after being humiliated by a bunch of mean girls. Trusted people were scare and best friends didn't exist.
She didn't expect anyone to stand up for her, but that doesn't mean she never stopped wishing for it. She knew she was hoping against hope for a Knight in a shining armor to save her.
So it had been quite a surprise when; one day, while being humiliated by the same bunch of mean girls that; she was saved. In a cloud of entire chaos, where she found no other way to run, he had stepped in.
A tall, brooding young man, those blue eyes sparkled with electricity. His presence alone, screamed power. One stern look from him, that day, had put stop to months of her emotional assault.
Life changed, after that day. She was left alone and no one dared to bother her. She made a few friends and even managed get a best friend.
But that was not the only thing that had changed. Until this day she never understood why he had saved her that day. But after that incident she found him occasionally around her. At first it was a small smile, or a curt nod. But soon she began knowing things, that no one ever knew about him.
Like the sound of his laughter that always boomed, making her want to join in. She knew how he preferred his coffee. Or they way he ran his fingers through his hair, when he was deep in thought. But most importantly she knew the soft, sensitive boy deep within the outer hard demeanor.
She never knew when she fell for him. It must have been the first time she set her eyes on him. Being with him made her alive. As if she had been merely living until then. He made her feel relaxed and comfortable enough to speak her mind out. His jovial teasing and funny jokes made her come up with some her own comebacks. She felt a sense of protection when with him and she grew bolder, more confident.
It must have been obvious. Hell! Even a blind man could sense that she was head over heels in love with him. It showed in the way she held herself before him. Or the heated blushes at his mere smile.
So when he had opposed the question; if she had anyone special in her life; the answer must have radiated off her eyes. She never thought how it would be like; being loved by him. She was too busy, just loving him.
She had never calculated the outcome, of what would happen if he found out. So when it happened, it simply tore her apart. He detached himself away from her, faster than she could blink. Within days they were nothing but a bunch of blank stares, and brief silence.
Thousands of thoughts had rushed through her mind, and she eventually settled on one which made sense. No matter how much she liked him, he never liked her back. And he never would.
Her mind had already acknowledged this fact, and was taunting her to move on. But her heart did not come in to terms with this. Like there was something left unsaid between them in spite of everything.
A sigh of a thousand years lifted off her, as she hunched even lower. The party was still ragging on, and she was bored out of her mind. Her mind felt vaguely disturbed and her mood, grumpy. She didn't want to welcome any year. All the days would be the same so why waste energy?
Tossing her empty cup behind her, she hopped off the stool, running a hand over her regular salwar kameez.
" going somewhere?" a voice stopped her, in her tracks. She turned around. Only to face one of her classmates Vicky. She rolled her eyes.
" Yes. Now if you will excuse me" she muttered, trying to walk around him.
"one dance" he said, stepping with her. She raised an eyebrow.
" just one dance and I won't bother you again. I promise"
She was on her way to say no and push him out her way. When her eyes clashed with a familiar electric blue ones, only for a brief second, across the dance floor. She stiffened.
He was dancing with a girl, whose arms were wrapped greedily around him. Jealousy burned through Anika. Without a second thought she slapped her palm into Vicky's open one.
" let's dance then" she said leading a, very surprised Vicky onto the dance floor. She stopped exactly, at a spot where she was sure he could see her. Whirling around, she wrapped her hands reluctantly around Vicky's neck. A smile tight on her lips.
And the dance began. She was a natural dancer and Vicky's steps were easy to keep up with. The entire time she could feel someone's eyes piercing her back.
The dance continued. There were occasional dips and swirls. At one moment there was a step where the dancers pranced forward, switching their partners in process. Anika breathed a sigh of relief as she swirled away from Vicky's suffocating grip. She danced with another of her class mates for a brief beat, before it was time to swirl back to their original partners.
Holding back a grimace she positioned her arms, ready to fall in step with him. When suddenly everything changed. One second she was twirling towards Vicky's smiling face and the other second, Vicky was pushed aside by a broad shoulder.
Hot arms entangled with hers instead, pinning her to him and whirled away. Anika gasped as she felt the air around her rush. Those hot hands moved from her arms to grip her waist.
She sucked in a sharp breath at the familiar touch, she knew too well. " what are you doing?" she whispered, her voice suddenly hoarse.
"dancing" he murmured. His lips right next to her ear. She shivered.
She pulled back, ignoring the way her body seemed to object.
She narrowed her eyes at him. " I know we're dancing".
He smiled. A small gesture that sent her heart fluttering. " then why do you ask?"
Ignoring her body's pleads to stay pinned to him, she pulled away from him. But before she could walk away, he caught her wrist and yanked her back. Her body flew, and bowled into his. She gasped as he twisted her hand behind her back, making escape impossible.
" It's rude to leave a dance incomplete" he said. His voice low and cold. She shuddered, unable to find her voice as she gazed into his eyes. He held her wrist carefully, making sure she wasn't in pain.
" Shivaay" she whispered " what are we doing. Really?" the mischievous glint faded and he shrugged " I didn't like the guy you were dancing with"
Anika almost rolled her eyes " so you stepped in?" he nodded
" and what makes you so sure that I like dancing with you?" she retorted.
A slow smirk made its way to his lips. He jerked her closer, until there was minus space between them. Anika's eyes widened as he leaned in. The tip of his nose glazed her neck, in a slow torturous motion. Anika's breath hitched. " oh you do" he murmured, so low that she could barely hear him.
His nose continued it's journey and reached her jaw line. Anika's heart thundered as she felt his warm lips press against her jaw. Heat surged through her body, revoking everything inside her.
She wretched out of his grip and jerked away, gasping for air. She didn't go very far, before she was pulled into his arms again. She didn't understand why he was doing this. Four months. It had been four whole months since they had even talked, now all of a sudden...this???
But looking into his eyes and feeling his arms, burning, around her. It didn't seem to matter. His eyes traveled her face. Starting from her hair line, to her lips. As if he was memorizing every detail of her features. She stopped breathing as his eyes lingered a second longer on her lips before his eyes flickered back to hers.
" How have you been?" he asked suddenly. She swallowed. How had she been? How about broken? She had been scattered to pieces and she was still picking them up. And here he was, the source of her broken heart, looking at her like she was some lost love.
Gathering herself " fine" she whispered. He cocked a perfect a eyebrow. " really?"
" am fine!" she said an ounce louder, earning a few awkward stares from others. She looked at him, anger masking her pain. His eyes softened, as if he could see the hidden pain.
" Why are you doing this? You decided to walk away didn't you?" She continued. She wanted to end this. She knew it would tear her apart later, but she had to do it.
He looked taken back " I walked away?" Anika snorted " yes you Mr. Shivaay Singh Oberoi!"
His grip on her waist tightened " I had to" he said.
Pain flared within her. She girted her teeth " yeah. It's better like this anyway"
For a moment she thought she saw pain flash in his eyes. But it was gone too soon. He gave her a curt nod " it will always be like this from now onwards." He said, his tone strangely metallic.
Anika swallowed, feeling the tears burning behind her eyes. Their steps became formal. Rigid. Just keeping up with the beat. Just as the dance was about to end, Something within her snapped.
She twisted around, out of his grip. This time she was faster, not giving him a chance to pull her back. She dodged the other dancers. Her path blurred as tears took over. Running for all she was worth she fled the dance floor.
She ran, not knowing where she was going. It didn't matter. Nothing did. Suddenly her foot caught onto something hard and she fell forward. She thumped onto the wet ground, with a soft thud.
Her sobs took over. Her heart wrenched in pain. There was so much pain, that it hurt even to take a breath in. As if someone stole away the source of her life. Hot tears gushed, as she curled on the wet floor. Hugging her knees to her chest she buried her face in her arms.
" Anika?" a slurry voice sounded far away. Anika stilled and hurriedly whipped away her tears. She sniffed and ran her fingers through her hair. She looked up as Vicky staggered through the bushes.
A pungent smell surrounded him. She knew at once that he was drunk. " what are you doing out here??" he asked, his voice was slurry and laced with drunken delight. He stumbled towards her. She backed away instinctively.
Panic rose, and her chest tightened in fear. She was far away from the crowd. In a bit of isolated area. She silently cursed herself for getting carried away.
" Why did you go away from me?" he asked, walking closer. " you promised me one dance but you didn't even finish it". Anika looked around worriedly. He was blocking her only way to run.
" it's ok, let's finish it now" he said. He yanked her forward, and she slammed into his chest. His stink clogged her nose. " let me go Vicky" she whimpered.
He leaned forward, his hands sliding down her shoulders. They were wet and felt like slime on her skin. She wriggled, but his grip only tightened. " what's he got that I don't?" he asked his lips too close for comfort.
Anika planted her palms on his chest, shoving him away. But it was a useless effort. Sharp nails bit into her tender flesh, surely leaving bruises. She cried out in pain.
He was an animal. As she fought, he shifted, pinning her with his weight. He leaned forward, his eyes shining dangerously. Anika closed her eyes in defeat.
Just as she felt his filthy breath fanning her cheeks. A growl erupted from neither of them. Suddenly Vicky's weight was lifted off her, and she gasped for air.
Shivaay stood there, his body trembling with rage. His hand twisted in Vicky's collar. " how DARE you touch her?!!" he bellowed, and rammed his fist into Vicky's drunken face.
Anika crumpled on to the ground, shaking. Fear and relief collided, gushing out as tears. She watched as Vicky managed to rip himself from Shivaay's grip and flee.
Anika sobbed hysterically, and wrapped her arms around her sore body. She felt the warmth as Shivay sat next to her.
" Let's get you inside" Shivaay said, standing up. He extended his hand to her. Anika stayed on the ground " I can handle myself Shivaay. Mujhe tumhari zaroorat bilkul bhi nahi hain" she whispered.
Ignoring her he bent down and grabbed her wrist, pulling her up forcefully. Just then his eyes caught bruises over her wrist.
Shivay frowned, "Are you hurt?" Anika pulled away, stubbornly. " let it be Shivay, it's not so bad"
" I said let me see!" he grabbed her hand, and examined it. He ran his hand softly against her wounds, trying to soothe the pain " does it hurt?" he asked looking painfully at her.
Anika pulled away shaking her head " haan par jo dard tum mujhe de rahe ho, uske samne yeh bahot chota hain"
Shivay stilled " what?"
" at least the pain Vicky gave me is better than what you are giving me Shivaay" she said, her voice laced with venom.
Fury blazed in his face and he grabbed her shoulders roughly " he is better than me?" he asked his voice low and deadly.
Anika stayed firm meting his furious glare. " yes at least he is not afraid to tell out what he feels, even if it his lust. He is not a coward like you."
Her words hit him hard and his grip tightened. Anger flared in his eyes " what do you know what I feel? How can you say that when you don't even know what am going through"
" And how would you expect me to know what your going through if you won't let me in!" she retorted, shaking away his grip.
He grabbed her again, pulling her to him. " you want to know what I feel?" he said through clenched teeth " then listen! Yes I am a coward! I am scared to show what I feel cause....because I can't afford to loose another person I love!" his voice boomed against the lonely trees.
Anika's heart skipped a beat " what are you talking about?" she asked softly. She held his elbows tightly " who are you going to loose Shivaay?"
He swallowed loudly. His eyes softened as the anger faded. His grip became gentle " I can't bear to loose you Anika" he whispered.
" Why would you loose me?" she had to work hard to keep her voice from shivering.
" Because I love you damn it!"
Anika's breath hitched and her heart plummeted almost painfully against her ribs.
" but I can't" he continued, his hands slipped from her elbows and his shoulders slummed miserably.
Anika held back a sob " why?"
He sagged to the ground, propping his elbows on his knees. Anika slipped next to him. Her eyes never leaving him.
" ever since I was a kid, everything I loved was taken away from me Anika" he said not meeting her gaze. " my family, my parents..." his breath wavered at the mention of his parents. He looked at her his eyes glassy " it just my fate" he smiled, but the smile never reached his eyes.
" that's why am scared" he continued " to love you, to pull you close. I am scared every time you walk by me that I might snap, and just end up reaching out and grabbing you, to make you mine that instant. But...." He looked away. " but then I remember that I would rather die than not see you ever smile or blush"
She heard him take in a deep breath " I'd rather see you from far; living and happy, then be selfish enough to live with just your memories." He looked at her his eyes moist.
" this is not true" Anika whispered, wanting so bad to wrap him in her arms.
He shook his head sadly " just one dance with me, and one slip up where I was too carless and couldn't keep myself away from you, and your barely alive, covered in bruises Anika" he said.
" I am alive because of you Shivaay" she said, her hands trembling as she entangled her fingers in his. " if it weren't for you, I would probably be dead"
He shook his head " no Anika-" she pressed a finger on his lips stopping him. "Yes it is, if you would have been there with me, Vicky or for that fact anyone like him wouldn't even dare think about doing this to me. Being with you doesn't make me go away Shivaay. It only increases my life span." Her eyes bore into his, trying to make him understand " because I would rather prefer death then lead a life without you."
A small drop of tear, lingered at the corner of his eye. " you would find someone better than me" he said.
Anika leaned in and pressed her lips softly to his eye. Brushing away his tear with her lips. " I don't want someone like you, I want you." She said as she rested her head against his cheek.
Khoya khoya rehthi hain
Dil tadap ke kehtha hain
Tu hi MERI jeene ki wajah
She sniffed leaning back, her tears already flowing. " I love you Shivaay, and with us together, nothing can pull us apart. Not even fate."
He watched her for a second and without another thought, he leaned in and pressed his lips against hers. The salty taste of someone's tears lingering on their lips.

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