Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

I had the strangest dream.

I dreamt that I was back in the incubator I'd lived in for the first two years of my life. I remembered the cold liquid that clung to my skin, making it smooth and soft, just like normal skin. I felt the tubes sticking into my arms and chest, one plunged into my throat. According to Lucifer, my lungs refused to work, so he had to force them to work. I wasn't sure what that meant, but I'm sure it had something to do with that damned tube. I remembered how uncomfortable it was.

The only thing that had kept me from screaming in agony and confusion were the bubbles that emitted from the tube in my throat, and the air pockets from the bottom of the incubator. Something about the bubbles was amazing. I loved watching them swell up, rising toward the top above me that was full of holes to allow fresh air into the container. Once they'd pop, I'd look back down and follow the rest of the bubbles with sleepy eyes.

I always felt sleepy in there.

But what made this dream different from the memory was the fact that Lucifer was standing outside the container, inputting data into the computers outside. I managed to lift my hand, which looked so small and frail, so thin. I touched it to the glass and Lucifer jumped, startled out of whatever he'd been doing. He looked up and his eyes met mine.

He just stared at me.

I wasn't sure why, but that bothered me.

Stop staring at me. Let me out! It's cold in here and I'm hungry! Let me out!

But Lucifer couldn't hear me, and even if he did, he ignored it as he looked back down at the computer to finish what he was doing before he snapped his fingers and a little demon servant came scurrying forward eagerly, holding a syringe in a small metal box. Lucifer nodded his thanks, took the syringe and stuck it into a little port by the computer. Blue liquid flooded into it before a green light blinked on, signifying that the machine was finished filling the syringe. Lucifer took it out and went around to the side near another computer to put in more information. He took the syringe and stuck it into the tube that was trailing from outside the container, through the glass, and into my arm. He injected the blue liquid into the tube and it rushed in, straight into my veins.

And a strange sensation passed through me. It was eerie and freezing. A shudder coursed through me as I felt that ice water flow through my veins. My teeth shattered and goosebumps rose on my skin, hairs standing on end as I struggled to breath.

I could hear the faint sound of an alarm going off, but it was difficult to focus as sudden pain assailed me. I panted hard as the cold became so vicious that it was hot. A hot sort of cold. That was the only way I could think to describe it. I wondered momentarily if this was how old ice cream felt in the freeze as it was struck with freeze burn.

Another shudder wracked my body and a whimper fled up my throat and caught against the tube. I choked now, gagging as my lungs kicked in and began to work on their own, but it was so hard with this damned tube in my throat. I reached a trembling hand up and yanked on the tube. It tore from my throat, scraping it on its way out, and instantly my lungs filled with cold water. I choked and gasped, struggling to breath.

Why am I choking?! What's happening?! What happened to the air?!

Help me!

Daddy, please...

I woke with a sharp gasp, my eyes flying open as I found myself staring up at a blank white ceiling. I blinked rapidly, cold sweat trailing down the sides of my face. I swallowed deep gulps of precious air as I tried to calm my heart that beat so hard against the inside of my chest, it was any wonder it hadn't leapt out. My vision was hazy for a moment as I tried to regain my normal breathing pattern, and I felt a hand on my face. I blinked a few more times, clearing my vision.

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