Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

It was strange to say I was returning to Hell, when I never remembered being there in the first place.

Even worse when I realized that literally nothing there was familiar to me. We teleported to the gates, and the soldiers there greeted us like long lost friends, and I didn't recognize them. We walked along a path that was supposed to be familiar to me, but it was all foreign soil to me. We ended up teleported halfway through to a beautifully lit city. It wasn't bright white and prestine like the Land of Dreams, but rather modern and glitzy. The streets were lined with trees on either side, some green and some pink with cherry blossoms.

And just beyond the city, seated on a hill that over looked both city and the huge black ocean beyond it, was Lucifer's palace. It was gigantic. White and sleek, modern and nearly six stories high, glinting in the sunlight like a pearl on the hill. It was absolutely beautiful.

"Wow." I commented, stunned.

"You said it." Akin agreed, staring at the palace, but he looked more nervous, afraid, than he did appear excited earlier when we left. Hannibal stood right behind me, eyeing the place warily. It was obvious that both of them were uncomfortable being here, and sadly, I shared their sentiment.

This place was my home. It was supposed to be familiar, cozy, comforting, but all I could think was how huge and strange it was. The palace, the city, the ocean, everything around me was new. While I was awed, at the same time, I was afraid. I wasn't sure why either. This was my home, my family was waiting here.

Jaques led the way to the front gates, tall and foreboding, to be honest. The guards there greeted us cheerfully. Akin and I just waved awkwardly while Raven and Jaques gave friendly greetings before we went inside and didn't even walk the stairs to the front door. We teleported as a group to the front door before Jaques opened the door inside.

I was instantly assaulted by the scents of creamy vanilla, a hint of leather, and an ocean breeze that passed through the windows that were open with long billowing gold curtains. Golden drapes lined the large main lobby; everything inside was white. The walls, the marbled floors, and the intriciately designed ceiling with golden Biblical images. A wide hallway opened up to the left, and to the right was a curved row of white leather seats near open windows. And straight ahead were two hallways, narrow and open with several doors along the walls in between ancient paintings and statuettes on pedestals.

"Come on," Jaques said when he noticed that Akin and I were distracted by the size of the place, "Your stuff was automatically sent to your rooms when you passed the gates. We should go see Lucifer before we do anything else." Akin just nodded numbly, but he didn't step forward at first. Not until Hannibal came to stand beside him, reaching out to touch his fingers delicately. Akin snapped out of his stupor to give Hannibal a nervous smile. He took Hannibal's hand in his tightly before our group moved on down the hallway.

"Is none of this familiar to you?" Raven asked, noticing my stare. I swallowed tightly and just shook my head. He looked downhearted. He had no idea. Even worse, the only memory I had of this place was that small projection room, where a meeting had been rudely disrupted by a horrid video of Raven's torture. My stomach churned at that single bitter memory and I shook my head to keep it from mind.

"Hades told me I'd never remember." I admitted quietly. Raven appeared distressed at the thought, but Akin, ever the optimist, refused to let that get us down.

"Oh well," Akin offered with a warm smile, "It kinda sucks, but hey! I don't know this place either. Now we can make some new memories, yeah?" I gave him a smile, relieved that he was here with me so I wasn't panicking on my own. Beside me, Stanton took me by the hand and gave me a reassuring squeeze.

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