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Chapter 5


Nico pulls me along, muttering in the weird language, which sounds like Greek. I catch only a few words: Monster, Juniper and Kill. I look at him strangely, and ask "Who's Juniper?"

"Your dryad friend. What do you call her? June?"

"What's a dryad? And what do they have to do with June?" He looks at me as if I'm stupid.

"Greek tree spirit, mostly friendly. And your friend... Is one." He says seriously. I let out two short laughs. He must be filming this. I know I'm not popular but even the new kid is taking the mickey. I try to wrench my arm from his grip, knowing that he must be joking. However he obviously has other ideas and keeps pulling me along. We are at the main entrance now and he yanks me through the tall wooden doors. He drops my arm and takes off sprinting up the field. We pass a tree which I swear was not there yesterday. June morphs from the trunk and the tree disappears. I almost faint. That explains it. We keep running and turn into the alley at the top of the field. I am met by the most grotesque creatures I have ever come across.

"Hippalektryons." I hear Nico whisper.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2014 ⏰

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