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Tails: 16
Sonic: 20
Knuckles: 23
Amy: 18

"I wish for a 5 foot long chili dog!" Sonic shouted into the machine. A spark and mechanical noises vibrated the machine, until a chili dog was expensed. Exactly 5 feet long, as requested.

"Sonic! This machine isn't supposed to be used so you can get a free lunch." Tails scolded and put a hand on the magnificent 'Wish Machine'.

The Wish Machine towered above Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles as it stood in Tails' shop. It was made of yellow and gray metal, a long iron rod stuck out of the top. It could make anything come true, anyone's wildest dreams, and the only one who knew what made it work was Tails. 

"Now, as I was saying, this is the Wish Machine, it grants wishes."

"What are we going to use it for?" Sonic asked, taking a bite of his chili dog.

"Definitely not for free lunch. It's so we can get tools and items or places quicker. It's safer not to W-I-S-H for changes in history or personality. The machine is extremely unpredictable and has to be specific."

"Hey Sonic, give me half." Knuckles interrupted, "I want to have some." Sonic looked down at his food then up at Knuckles. "I'm starving, man!" He complained. "Oh fine-" Sonic ripped it in half and handed Knuckles his part.

"Ahem!" Tails said over them, narrowing his eyes. "As I was saying-"

Before Tails could respond, his communicator beeped.

"Who is it?" Sonic asked, running to beside his friend.

"Amy?" They both said questioningly.

"Uh...Amy?" Tails spoke through the communicator. She simply continued talking through mumbles voices. "She must've accidentally called you." Knuckles confirmed as he ate his half of the chili dog.

"I just wish Sonic would love me... maybe even more than I love him."

The room was silent until the machine started rumbling. "Oh no..." Tails mumbled. He leapt towards the machines off button, but it was too late.

The spark shot out instead of a solid object, it hit Sonic directly in the heart, causing a loud screech of pain. Sonic gripped his heart in pain, but then the pain suddenly washed off.

Immediately Sonic felt different. His heart felt like it was pounding against his ribs. He had a strange urge to run to Amy and scoop her up then kiss her. He didn't know what was happening. He was enjoying these strange sensations.

He needed to escape.

"Oh no... Sonic?" Tails said, waving his hand in front of his face. "Are you okay?" He asked his friend.

"Amy." Sonic breathed out, feeling light and happy as her name rolled off his tongue. "What?" Tails asked again. "Amy. I-I have to go see her." Sonic concluded, she was the only one who could help him. She could soften these feelings. He tried to push pass, but Knuckles grabbed him. "You can't go out like that!" He stated to his friend.

"You need flowers first!"

"Yeah... you're right." Sonic snapped his fingers in realization. "Machine! I wish for the most-"

SonAmy BOOM! The Wish MachineWhere stories live. Discover now