Same Mistakes: Chapter Three

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“So guys, what do you want to do now?” I asked. “Eat pie!” Niall suggested. The other boys agreed, Louis went to get plates and such. “Where’s my phone?” I questioned Zayn. “I don’t know I think Harry might have it.” I turned around and looked at Harry, He smiled his trademark smile I saw my phone in his pocket. “Harry may I please have my phone back?” I asked sweetly. “Nope!” he chirped grinning. I had an idea I took a step closer and looked into his eyes, “Please Harry.” I batted my eye lashes. I gave a quick wink to the boys watching me puzzled. I got even closer and wrapped my arms around his waist, and stood up on my tip toes, “Not even of I, do this?” Giving him a quick kiss on the lips while he was distracted I wrapped my arm around his pants and ever so carefully pulled out my phone. I quickly pulled away and gave a winning smile as I stepped back waving my phone in the air. Harry’s mouth opened and I laughed as the boys started to clap. Louis came back with the plates and such, “Juliette you cheeky thing you!” he called. I giggled, “One of my many secret talents Louis!” “Like what?” Niall grinned. “Then it wouldn’t be a secret anymore!” I teased. “I think cooking might be one of them!” Liam stated They boys all agreed. “I love you!” Niall threw his arms around me and picked me up spinning me around. When he stopped I stumbled grabbing onto a chair for support. “Niall, have some class you made her dizzy, and she just recovered from getting dropped!” Louis slapped Niall a little too hard. “Oh Niall, I didn’t mean to hit that hard, sorry mate!” Louis came over to me and started to fake cry on my shoulder. I stroked his hair, “It’s alright love.” I giggled. A small red spot was on Niall’s face without thinking I leaned over and kissed his cheek where he was hit. He looked surprised. “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…” a few wolf whistles from the guys. “It’s okay, I promise.” He smiled, Zayn looked at me and was taking every ounce of me in. “So umm guys since you’re new I wanted to show you someplace. Me and my friends go there a lot only a few people know, it’s kinda my secret place, if that doesn’t sound to stupid…” I trailed off. “No, take us there please.” said Liam I led the boys down the road, I brought my bag just in case they want to go in the small pond. “Are we there yet? Louis whined “Louis it hasn’t been 10 minutes yet and yes actually we are.” I led them down a small steep hill and then we were there. A small man made garden and water pond is there, the water is crystal clear and warm with small waterfalls leading in and decorative rocks lining the edges. The garden has several different types of flowers and trees along with an apple and peach tree. “I don’t know who cleans and takes care of it, but he knows we use it, he left a note saying that anybody who comes here can use it.” “It’s spectacular!” Harry cooed. The boys agreed. “Be right back, don’t follow me.” I took my bag and went into the denser part of the garden among trees and vegetation, I quickly changed into my bathing suit, taking extra precautions in case one of the boys did follow me. I slid my clothes back on and walked out. “Can we swim in it?” Liam questioned. “Yes, you can. It’s usually quite warm.” I looked at them slid off my pants and they looked at me with wide eyes, slid off my shirt and jumped in. “It’s deeper than it looks” The boys ripped off their shirts and jumped in. “No, don’t get my hair wet!” I begged as they jumped in. Zayn stood longingly on the rocks, I hopped up next to him. “I wish I could swim.” I smiled, “Would you like me to teach you?” Zayn studied me, to see if I was serious, “Can you?” “I’d love to.” He took off his shirt and the other boys backed up to the other end of the pond, so we would have room. Zayn’s body was toned, but I had to remain focused. He gets in the most shallow part of the water, after teaching him several strokes as well as the dog paddle and how to tread water, he can swim. We spent several more hours at the pond, before I know it the sun starts to set. “Guys how about you go home and change and you can come to my house, you can see my backyard from yours!” They agreed and we walked home. I got inside and Snuggles jumped on me happily, “The boys are coming here!” I cooed and he ran in little circles. I giggled “5:00” I thought, “Mother and father will be home soon, joy.” Before my mind clouds up with bad thoughts the boys ring the doorbell. I sprint to the door and open it I burst out laughing at what I see, Harry is leaning up against the doorframe looking deeply at me, Zayn  has took off his shirt holding it over his shoulder and is looking off into the distance, Louis is cross eyed with his tongue sticking out and Liam and Niall have their arms around one another Liam’s head is on Niall’s shoulder and Niall’s giving a thumbs up. “Guys, if you’re trying to seduce me, it’s defiantly working.” I laugh, the boys start blushing and I invite them in. “Would you like to have a tour of my house…?” I casually ask them. “Yeah!” all the boys chorus. “I want to see where you sleep.” Harry said evily. I cocked my head to the side and starred. “On that note this is the living room.” I showed them most of my house and when I got to the room I call my “study” it’s the highest point in the house, one of the wall is entirely window and it overlooks the garden. The room has hardwood floors and light yellow walls a small white couch. An easel stood near the window with a tall table next to it filled with different types of paint, oils, brushes, canvases and pencils. On the other side of the room a larger table held large, clear bags that held solid  clay blocks. The table had jars with tools, glazes and bowls. In a small room adjacent was the kiln. Paintings lined the walls and finished bowls and statues decorated tables around her. The middle of the room was empty. There was an organizing structure with ballet shoes and a white powder, next to it was piles of sheet music and a music stand as well as piles and piles of books. Next to that structure was an acoustic guitar. The boys took it all in, “Did you make all of this?” Niall asked. “Yes I did, and I dance, read a lot, play guitar, sing, paint, work with clay, and see that garden down there? I designed it.” The boys continued to take it all in. Suddenly I had an idea. “Would you boys like to make a pinch pot out of clay?” “Yeah! Let’s do it!” Louis chanted. I gave them all 2 balls of clay and showed them what to do, after about an hour me and the boys have all made a pot. “Yours looks way better than ours!” says Liam “They look lovely! Mine looks nicer because I’ve had practice!” I gave the boys each a little tool to carve their name and the date in the bottom. “No sword fights, that’s for later.” I winked “How long will they be done?” Niall asked me. “Well, they need a week to dry, and then a day to be fired, after that you need to come back and glaze them, and then a day to fire.” So a little over a week.” I carried the pots over and put them on a tray. They boys sat on the couch. “Play us a song?” Louis cooed “I don’t know, I’m not very good.” Suddenly Muffins, my cat came over and rubbed against Harry’s legs. “Kitty!” Harry yelled. Muffins jumped on his lap and sat down. “Be gentile, she’s pregnant.” I warned Harry. With a wink Harry said “You will be too if I’m not gentile.” I giggled “That can be arranged” The boys laughed and I turned to them, “So about that song.” I said causing them to laugh even more. “How about A Twist In My Story, Secondhand Serenade?” The boys nodded.  I took a breath and started playing.

Slow down, the world has been watching us break down.

It’s safe to say we are alone now, we’re alone now.

Not a whisper, the only noise is the receiver,

I’m counting the seconds until you break the silence,

So please just break the silence.

I continued the song, and the boys cheered and clapped. “Why don’t you have a band or anything, you’re amazing!” Zayn stated. The other boys agreed. “Mother and Father do not support my decisions, the believe that music and art is a waste of time and won’t get me anywhere. That’s why I’m going to school for literature and teaching, I like to read so being a literature teacher won’t be that bad, and mother and father think it’s not a waste of education. Even though it’s not what I want.” The boys stared at me with pained expressions, then the door swung open. Mother was standing there.

Same Mistakes: A One Direction Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now