January 8th, 2017-Goner

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Today I failed my science exam. I'm such a great student. Did I skip this class too? No, my mind was somewhere else. On the posters on the walls. In the hallways. In the bathrooms. Everywhere. The ones saying "don't drink and drive" and "stay sober". Why? A guy was killed in a car crash last week. He was having a New Year's Eve party, that lasted longer than New Year's Eve. On his way home, he crashed. He was drunk. He was my brother. I hadn't seen him since his trip in Europe. He was a road scholar. Zachary was my best friend. Now he's gone.

You know what's the sad thing about that. Not the fact that he's dead. Or that I lost my best friend and my brother. It's that I don't get the opportunity to mourn. I don't have that option. Suck it up. Move on with your life. My parents...they don't have the time to sit around and ask how their daughter is. Meetings on Mondays. Coffee with mom on Tuesdays. Trip to Germany Wednesday. Thursday, you have yoga. Friday is your boss's gala. There's no time to stop and ask how your kid is doing. I'm used to it and that's the problem. No "hey honey, how's school" or "so, any boys catching your eye". The normal, awkward, and embarrassing questions other parents ask. Our conversations range from "which dress should I wear, black or blue" to "we can't bring you to the gala tonight, you'll be staying with Aunt Marie". Now, I love my parents, but they can be aloof and very busy.

So, today I failed my science exam. That may be the only good thing about this story.

Normal Time

(Mrs. Wilson and Mr. Henry talk in the teachers' lounge)

"I can't believe this has happened."

"I know. It seemed like just yesterday she was in my science class. I remember passing out the exams and seeing her smile at her F. I always wonder why she did that."

"When was that exam?"

"Umm, January 7th."

"A week after losing Zachary. That was her brother."

"Oh wow. I didn't know. Maybe if I did. If I asked her how she was, she wouldn't be in this situation."

(Wilson starts to cry)

"It's okay. Nothing we could have done would've stopped that. It was her decision."

"Because she felt that was her only option. I need to go...I need to go see her."

(Wilson leaves)

Twenty One Pilots. I loved their old stuff. They've become too mainstream for me though. Make sure to like and comment. Tell me what you think and how I can improve my writing. A great deal of time goes into my editing.

-Love, CupCakes

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