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Magic was believed to have started in the Latin language so before you enter the world of Magicals there are a few magical terms you should know.

Larva—is Latin for mask. A mask/masking spell allows the magical to create a disguise over a person or place.

Vis Globus—Is Latin for a defensive magic weapon. The magical focuses their magic into a ball form and wills it away from them, allowing them to hit their opponent.

Transferendi/Transferi—is Latin for transferring/transferred. Is a form of transportation magic. It allows the magical to move from one place to another instantly.

Gladium tormentorum—is Latin for blade of torture. The blade of torture is a very old and very dark defensive magic. Once the victim is stabbed with the blade they a forced to live out all their worst nightmares in their minds.

Tutela pupili—is Latin for protection wards. A form of magic that allows a magical to set up protection around an area, it helps keep evil creatures and dark magicals out.

Laesit—is Latin for leaking. Leaking occurs when a magical uses a mortal or other magical by "leaking" their magic into the other person.

Eminentes—is Latin for projecting. Projecting occurs when a magical's mind moves to another place while they are asleep or unconscious.

Sagitta magicis—is Latin for magical arrow.

Magicis gladio—is Latin for magical sword.

Obice clausum—is Latin for locked barrier. A form of magic that locks people out of a place.

Ignis—is Latin for fire.

Muta larva—is Latin for mute mask. The magic used to silence a connection.

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