Put your sHeya! Hope ye all like this let me know what you think! Shortiexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Chapter 1
This was it. This was the year. I was going to make my move. I was going to tell her how I've felt for her since I first saw her. I know I sound really cheesy right now, but it's true she is utterly beautiful, stunning, smart, kind, funny, friendly, popular. Yet she still is so down to earth, and basically not a bitch. Pardon my French! ;)
I walked briskly down the hallways filled with laughter, screams and the hum of conversation. Typical first day back. As I walked i nodded to all the greetings that were called out to me.
"Hey man!"
"D-man wats up?"
"Hey Donovan"
I slapped hands with a few of the guys and waved to the girls. What?! I'm not gonna ignore them. I've still only got eyes for one girl. Charlie. I mentally sighed. God the things she does to me. I saw her best friend Annabelle across the hall at her locker. Glancing around I saw that Charlie was nowhere in sight. I hope she's going to be here soon i thought nervously. I Havn't seen her all summer and I don't think I could last any longer. Mike and Alex were having a conversation on what this year will be like. Who's going to date who. Are we going to win the state championships this year. Will there be any new meat. Are Britney Summers boobs going to get even bigger. What? Don't give me that look it wasn't me saying it. Plus we are guys. ;)
Throughout those 5 minutes of conversation I was searching the halls every 5 seconds for any sign of her. I caught Annabelle's eye at one stage and I saw her eyes light up a bit. Crap! Does she like me? Nah...... she can't. Well i hope not. I guess she is pretty, she's tall enough, skinny with curves, real big pretty grey eyes and blondy brown wavy hair that fell past her shoulders. A lot of guys liked her but she never gave them a chance. I'd talked to her before a few times so why not now I thought.
" Anna, hey!" I called out walking towards her. She looked up at me and her cheek started going red. She looked down at her feet and fiddled with the ends of her hair.
"Hey Donovan, how was your summer?" she said quietly.
" It was good. Went out to the lakes with the guys. how about yours?"
" Boring!" she laughed, "stayed with my grandparents for a while up at the farm."
" Oh yeah! How are they doing? Oh and how's Charlie I haven't seen her all summer?" Crap! I made it really obvious. Stop it D! Cool it!
Anna's face fell at the mention of Charlie's name. "Uum......... I don't really know actually. I haven't seen or heard from her all summer," she looked down glumly seeming ashamed of that.
"It's ok I'm sure she has a good reason," I said gently putting my hand under her chin and lifting her head up. She stared into my eyes, hers glistening with unshed tears. I reached up and wiped them away with my thumbs.
"WOOO! You get in there D!" shouted Thomas, jerking me and Anna from our bubble. We both went red turning away from each other.
"See you later," I mumbled.
"Ya, sure," she breathed dazedly walking off the opposite direction.
She wasn't in. I was positive it was lunch and no one had seen her. Not that I was asking or anything.
I just overheard some people you know how it is. Ha ha ha........... anyway yeah she's not in. So much for me telling her how I feel. Now I don't think I'll have the courage to say it to her. I was in the mood this morning I was focused. Now I'm just worried if she's ok. I should check her status online maybe she's still on holidays. But why hasn't she talked to her best friend all summer. That's just unchick like. You know.
The last two classes passed in boredom just the teachers giving us the your a senior now speech. I could recite it by heart now.
Finally the last bell rang and everyone burst into the hallways. I walked glumly to my locker stuffed my books in and headed to the parking lot. Mike was over chatting up Kelly Allen so I leant against his car waiting. I saw Annabelle across the lot walking towards her car. As if feeling my gaze on her she turned towards me and gave a small smile and a wave before getting in her car and driving off.
Mike finally finished with Kelly and dropped me off at home.
"Hey! anybody home?!" I called out. " Guess not," I mumbled. My parents are never home always working. My older brother Blake was off in college somewhere I can't remember. All I know is he's having too much of a good time to even visit.
Making my way to my room I turned on my laptop and waited for it to load. When it did I checked Charlie's status. Nothing there was nothing since the photos she uploaded after the finishing school party at the start of the summer. Her beautiful green eyes were shining out as her and Anna made faces at the camera. She was so beautiful with her dark brown hair and perfect features. Her legs were never ending and she had curves in all the right places. She was just perfect in every single way.
Fat lot of good that did me I thought to myself. I'll just have to wait until tomorrow and see if she's in.
She was here! All I could see was her back facing me but I would know that back anywhere. Wait...... did that sound weird. Never mind she was here. Ok I was going to do it.
I took a deep breath and started over towards her.
"Charlie!" I called out. She turned to face me but I didn't give her a chance to speak. I leant in and pressed my lips to hers. Tingles shot through me at the touch. I pulled away and let out a deep breath.
"Charlie, I -"
I was cut off by her racking sobs as she stood in front of me, crying.
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