Put your story text heHey second chapter please, please, please let me know what you think about it! All comments welcome good or bad!
Chapter 2
I should not have done that. I should not have done that.
Now here I am with a hysterical girl in front of me, and it's all my fault. What do I do? HELP! Someone, anyone? I thought as I looked around. As I was glancing around my eyes caught with a pair of shocked grey ones. Anna! Crap, she saw all that. Ah well can't do anything about it now, but I need her help. I don't know what to do with the sobbing Charlie.
"Anna!" I called quietly striding towards her. As I grasped her wrist she seemed to break out of the trance she was in. Looking down at my hand on her, she blushed glancing up at me through her eyelashes.
"Um.... yeah, sorry," I mumbled releasing my grip on her, "I need your help, there's something wrong with Charlie, I don't know what to do."
"Um, sure I'll take care of her, y-you go," she decided walking towards the slumped figure of her best friend. Uncertainly I turned away and walked down the empty halls to first hour English. I was late, naturally but the teacher was too busy rifling through papers to mind.
After a few minutes she straightened up and began the lesson but my mind wasn't in the stuffy classroom. It was wondering what in the hell I'd done wrong this morning. I mean, it wasn't her first kiss because I had seen her making out with her boyfriend before (now ex). It wasn't that my kissing skills were lacking cause it was only a peck, and let's face it I have mad kissing skills, cause you know other girls have told me.
Maybe she doesn't like you, a voice whispered in the back of my head. I froze, that was it. Of course I was so stupid. I shouldn't of just kissed her without warning. I should have explained my feelings first then, maybe have kissed her if she felt the same. But I didn't tell her and she most likely didn't feel the same. I mean if she did she wouldn't have burst out crying like that, would she? Ugh, I'm such an idiot! I cursed internally. I've got to apologise to her, I decided. I need to fix this so we can still be friends.
As soon as the bell rang at the end of class I launched out of my seat and out the door. I could feel people giving me weird stares but I didn't care. Pushing through the crowds of students filing to their next class I searched frantically for a glimpse of the two girls but I couldn't spot them. As the halls cleared I still couldn't find them, I had shouted into the bathrooms for them I had asked girl's who might have been close to either of them but no luck. Sighing in defeat I slumped against the wall. I guess I'll just have to go round her place and explain after school. With that I headed to class.
"Mom, it's ok. I'll be fine. Go!" I scolded as she lingered in the school car park. "Are you sure sweetheart, you don't have to go back I told you that," she said gently, "You can come home at anytime, you just ring me. Ok?"
"Yes mom, but I'll be fine. Don't worry," I replied as brightly as I could flashing the happiest smile I could muster. She mumbled something too low for me to hear and waved me off as she pulled out. Taking a deep breath I turned to face hell. Why is it hell you ask? Well, I'd rather not talk about it right now. Straightening up I strode to the doors as confidently as I could but as soon as the cold metal doors slammed shut behind me I slumped. Why you ask? Because of what I saw. People. Happy, laughing, smiling, kissing, hugging, carefree people. They had no problems all they were worried about was how they look, who they dated and other little things like that. They were lucky. I wasn't.
I was organizing the books in my locker when a husky voice cut through my concentration.
I whirled around to be faced with Donovan. The school basketball team's captain, all around nice guy, bit of a player but not half as bad as some of his friends, also a total god in the looks department. Tall and muscular with a strong angular bone structure, sapphire blue eyes and soft shaggy black hair that you just want to run your fingers through. If you hadn't already noticed by the way I'm describing him to you, I've sort of liked him from the moment we met which, for your information was when he moved here 7 years ago. I would never act on it though and especially not now given my circumstances. But my thoughts were cut off when I felt a slight pressure on my lips.
No! No! No! No! Not now! I screamed internally. Tears spilled from my eyes and I was finding it hard to breath. I'm crying, I realised with a jolt. Stop crying in front of him he'll think your crazy I cursed at myself. Finally Donovan stepped back. "Charlie, I-," But he was cut off by the loud sobs wracking my body. I could feel his panicked gaze on me as I bent over myself trying to hold myself together physically and literally. Why did this have to happen now? I wailed. Why God? Why torture me? These questions ran through my head over and over until I felt a sting across my cheek. My head snapped up, and my eyes met grey ones. "Anna," I questioned, "W-w-what was that for?"
But she didn't answer, she just grabbed me up in a fierce hug. After a moment I relaxed into her embrace, the tears still spilling from my eyes. "I missed you C, where've you been the whole summer?" Anna's voice was muffled by my hair but I still heard her. "It's a long story Ellie," I sighed using the nickname only I called her. "Well," She said in a determined voice, "We're going to skip school, go to mine and you are going to tell me every last detail end of discussion. Ok?" I nodded meekly. Grinning she linked our arms and we strode towards the car park together. When we reached her house she dragged me to the kitchen and made me a hot chocolate and we snuggled into her comfy couches in the living room. Should I tell her, I wonder. I know I can trust her but I just don't want her to be like my mom is now. I need to tell her though she would never forgive me if I didn't and I needed to talk to someone about it or I was going to go crazy
"Ok, tell me everything. Don't leave anything out," She probed.
"Ellie, this is going to be hard to take in but Ellie I need you to understand you can't treat me differently. Ellie...... I, I-I'm........."
Will I tell you or not? I'm not sure. What do you think? I was planning on waiting till a certain person finds out but that will be a while and I don't want to be cruel. Let me know what you think and if I should continue with Charlie's side of things or just stick to Donovan's or maybe Anna's. Please give me advice and suggestions. I need guidance! :-P
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