Chapter 2: Games

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Sansa slowly backed away from Lord Baelish as he dropped his hands letting her move. He wanted her yes, but not by force. When he took her, she'd be asking, begging him. Lord Baelish watched as Sansa took her few short paces back; a look of shock and surprise upon her face.

Sansa knew that Lord Baelish had a fondness for her, as he had for her mother Catelyn; but Sansa had never imagined him wanting her. Though Sansa did not find Lord Baelish unattractive by any means, she took the opportunity to properly look Lord Baelish over. Sansa didn't find him to be unattractive, in fact she rather handsome; older than she had typically preferred suitors to be but she could look pasted that. His slim figure and short dark hair with the grey painted on each side, his soft grey-green eyes and charming smile. Sansa had noticed how Lord Baelish was always finely dressed and his silver mockingbird pin continuously pulling his attire together. No Sansa found him quite attractive, more so than she had truly realized which surprised her. Finding her drink and taking a large sip Sansa turned back to Lord Baelish who stood, unmoving in his spot patiently waiting to see what she would do.

"Your price for helping me?" Sansa asked without hesitation.

"My price my lady, is you." Lord Baelish stated without pause. He knew exactly what he wanted and she had come to him pleading for help. Lord Baelish could see the fear on Sansa's face; any colour she had quickly drained from as she caught his meaning. He stood patient, watching her decide her next move.

Sansa stood facing Lord Baelish, wringing her hands in angst trying to decide what she wanted. Sansa knew that Lord Baelish could help her, get her out of King's Landing but was she willing to give him her virginity? True he would be risking his own life for hers, is it a fair trade or was he asking too much? Sansa had not thought he'd want her, gold perhaps, or a piece of land in Winterfell? She had hopped his price would be something she could pay once she was home again. But giving herself, she had never imagined it like this. Sansa had always dreamed of lying with her husband, after all her mother had raised her to be a proper lady and true ladies wait until their wedding night. Sansa looked Lord Baelish over again, considering all her options, knowing she would have to respond to him soon. Could she give herself to him? Should she? Or perhaps, could she turn this around and convince Lord Baelish to wait? Wed her first before lying with her? Yes Sansa thought, he's handsome, wealthy, smart and resourceful, she could do worse for a husband. Joffery was worse and Sansa had no idea how the imp would be as a husband, and Lord Baelish had always been good to her, treated her well. Maybe she thought?

"Lord Baelish, as I'm sure you're aware I cannot simply give myself to you. I can only give myself to my husband." Sansa held her ground as she spoke, trying to keep her voice from shaking as she tried to play his game.

"Your husband, my lady?" Lord Baelish responded curiously as he finally put his cup of wine down and taking slow steady steps towards her as he spoke. He could see her shaking in fear and admired her determination to play their little game. "And here I thought you were here because you didn't want a husband? He stopped just in front of her with a grin on his face, happy to string her along for a bit, curious to see just how far she would go for freedom.

"I don't want the imp for a husband. I'm not oppose to a husband in general." She gave him a coy smile as she found herself enjoying their banter and sly looks. It seemed the longer she stayed in his presences, the more she was adapting to his ways. Sansa stood, facing Lord Baelish; his body stood mere inches away, she could almost taste the mint and wine on him again. She thought of all the things he could teach her, all the things they could do, it excited her. Sansa had shifted closer to Lord Baelish without thought, slowly closing the gap between them as she wondered on his response.

Lord Baelish caught her movements, inching closer into his grasp. He knew she would cave, let him lay her down and show her all the delightful pleasures a man could bestow a woman. He knew she was still a virgin, green and full of wonder of what happens between a man and a woman; he so desperately wanted to be the first to taste her. He was impressed by her though; her quick play of marriage, Lord Baelish had always planned on marrying her on his climb to the Iron Throne, just not quite this soon. He was to wed her aunt Lysa Arryn of the Vale first, gaining the east only to, after an appropriate amount of time conveniently lose his deranged wife and become Lord Protector of the Vale. After securing the east would be then marry Sansa securing the north. However, Lord Baelish knew without a doubt he would not have Sansa this night or any without a least a promise of marriage. She was too good and innocent to accept anything less. He would simply have to gain the east some other way Lord Baelish thought as he slowly wrapped his arm around Sansa's waist, pulling her in again against his chest. Starring down into her soft blue eyes, curbing every desire not to simply throw her down on his couch and ravish her here and now. No he thought he wanted to hear her beg him for it, beg him to taste her and be her first.

Surprisingly enough Sansa didn't fight Lord Baelish as he wrapped his arm around her brining her in close. She closed her eyes for a moment as she inhaled his minty sent; almost willing to surrender her upbringing and shed her dress letting him take her. Sansa had heard many rumors of what goes on in his brothel, what men and woman would do and how pleasing it's meant to be. She couldn't help but wonder what kind of lover Lord Baelish would be? Rough? Gentle? Kind? Demanding? Selfish? Giving? The longer she stood in his arms the more she wanted to find out. She could see the lust in Lord Baelish's eyes as he starred down at her; he licked his bottom lip in anticipation of her consent.

"And do you have a husband in mind my lady?" Lord Baelish whispered in Sansa's ear as his free hand slowly began to wander over her silk gown, grazing over her bound breasts.

"I...I..." Sansa could hardly find the words as Lord Baelish began to kiss her neck, just below her ear. She had never experienced anything like it before, resulting in a fiery pressure in the pit of her stomach. His skilled fingers found the lace around her chest as he gently pulled the material aside, revealing more skin as he dipping his fingers down just grazing her breast.

Lord Baelish continued to suckle on Sansa's neck until he heard a small moan escape from her lips; he smiled against her skin knowing it would not be long now.

"Husband, my lady, remember? Who did you have in mine?" Lord Baelish asked again knowing full well he had made her forget all about their little game. He tightened his grasp upon her as he continued to gently kiss and nip at her neck, moving up to her soft cheek before placing his lips on hers once again. This time Sansa didn't hesitate when he moved to kiss her, but met him eagerly basking in his sweet taste of mint and wine. Allowing Lord Baelish to kiss her, she yielded to him, begging him entry as he deepened their kiss walking her backwards and down onto the couch. He broke their kiss only for want of air and to finally make Sansa voice her true desires.

Shifting back slightly out of Lord Baelish's hold creating a small distance between them, with a fire in her eye she finally said what he had been waiting for:

"You, Lord Baelish" Sansa said with all the sweetness in her voice that she could muster

"Petyr" he corrected her

"Petyr" she whispered as she leaned up again, pressing her lips to his initiating their kiss.

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