Chapter 5: Treason

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The sun had just finished setting as Lord Baelish stood before the heart tree in the Godswood with the septon he had paid heavily. The Godswood was completely empty and silent, just as Lord Baelish had planned. Both men stood in complete silence as they waited for Ros and Sansa to arrive. Lord Baelish watched the sky turn a pinkish-orange shade as the sun fully disappeared and Ros and Sansa slowly entered the Godswood. Lord Baelish shifted the cloak he held as he watched Sansa slowly walk towards him, his grey-green eyes widened as Sansa fully came into view. Lord Baelish had never seen a more beautiful sight; Sansa's Tully red hair was up in a braided bun with loose strands of hair framing her young face. Sansa wore a light off-white gown with silver lace trimming. The gown hugged her slim form and extenuated all her womanly features. As Sansa moved closer to Lord Baelish, he could see that on the right side of her gown, framing her chest appeared to be a silver mockingbird. Sansa had sown it into her dress in honour of her future-husband's house. Sansa was stunning and Lord Baelish had to remind himself to breath for a moment as he took in her beauty. He found he could not pull his gaze from her.

Sansa stopped just before Lord Baelish with Ros closely behind her. Sansa looked from Lord Baelish, up at the heart tree and to the septon before turning her attention back onto Lord Baelish. His salt and peppered black hair was perfectly in place while he wore the finest silk money could buy as usual. Lord Baelish's robes were a dark green and black with his silver mockingbird pinned just under his collar tying his entire appearance together perfectly. He looked pristine and composed like always. Sansa couldn't help but wonder if she would ever see him in more casual attire or if he always dressed to the nines.

Lord Baelish took the cloak he was holding and wrapped it around Sansa before taking her hand and turned them both to face the septon. The septon took a piece of rose coloured ribbon and wrapped it around their joined hand as he spoke

"In the sight of the seven, I hereby see these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon one another and say the words." The septon dropped his hands after wrapping the ribbon and waited for them to speak.

Lord Baelish and Sansa turned to face each other as they both spoke the words:

"Father. Smith. Warrior. Mother. Maiden. Crone. Stranger. I am his/hers and s/he is mine, from this day, till the end of my days."

After saying the vows before the old gods and the new Lord Baelish leaned in a placed a soft kiss on Sansa's lips. They were wed and there was nothing the Lannister's could do about it. Lord Baelish turned to the septon and bit him to leave while pulling a small pouch of coin and handing it to him. Lord Baelish knew that the septom's silence could only be bought for a short while but it was just long enough for them him to sail his new bride away to the fingers. Lord Baelish needed the Lannister's to learn of his marriage to Sansa, have them know that he now held the key to the north but he was happy with the knowledge that they wouldn't learn of the news till they were out of Kings Landing and safely on their way to the Fingers.

Sansa watched as the septon walked away with is coins, she brought her attention back to her husband scared and excited for what was to come. Curious as to where this union would take her, if she could really go back home to the north one day? Thoughts began to swarm Sansa's mind, would Lord Baelish want to go to the north or would he want to live elsewhere? The more she thought about it the less confident she became. What where her husband's plans? She knew that their marriage was his price for taking her away from Kings Landing and preventing her marriage to Tyrion but beyond that she hadn't thought. As they walked out of the Godswood Sansa thought back to the previous night wondering how exactly she got to this point. She had been so distracted by his touches, his kisses that she didn't really think all this through. Yes she wanted his help, yes she wanted this marriage rather than the imp and a marriage had to be had; the Lannister's would have seen to that one way or another, and yes she wanted out of Kings Landing. However, Lord Baelish or Littlefinger as she had heard him referred to, was known for his schemes and plots; known for switching sides when convenient and serving his own self-interest. Sansa had to figure out how to make her interests a line with her husbands and ensure he does not grow board of her.

Lord Baelish held a smile on his face the entire walk to his chambers. He noted how silent Sansa was and chalked it up to her nerves. Everything was going as planned. Ros had gone to bring Sansa's trunk to his ship and would remain there, and join them for the journey as Sansa's new handmaid. He had successfully married the key to the north without anyone finding out and he was about to finally have his beautiful bride. He relished in his taste of her the night before and was simply itching for more, even know as they walked down the dark vacant streets he was longing to run his hands over her silk dress and feel her entirely. He had wanted Sansa Stark since the day he saw her at King Robert's tourney for her father Eddard Stark. She had looked exactly like Catelyn had at her age; yet as he saw Sansa more, learnt of her likes and dislikes, watched her in the keep he had come to adore her for herself, she was so much more than Catelyn ever could be and far more beautiful and now she was all his.

Darkness had fully fallen as Baelish lead Sansa inside his establishment and up into his personal chambers. No one had seen them, Baelish made sure of that. They had a couple of hours before departing for the fingers and Baelish had every intention of ravishing his new bride numerous times before they set sail. His establishment was continuously close to the harbour and they would only need a few moments to board his ship. Having all they would need already safely on board, Baelish wanted no interruptions or distractions on his wedding night.

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